
Unicaja's support to Real Oviedo is visible in the Carlos Tartiere

The new sponsorship, which was recently unveiled during the first meeting of the Real Oviedo Business Club by Unicaja season, will cover three seasons

08 OCT 2024

2 Min reading

The Carlos Tartiere Stadium now features Unicaja on its LED billboard, as one of the sponsors of Real Oviedo S.A.D. The bank’s head of Communication and Image, Fernando Ríos, has visited the club's facilities, together with the president and vice president of Real Oviedo, Martín Peláez and Manuel Paredes, respectively, and its head of Business and Operations, Estela Díaz Caicoya.


According to Fernando Ríos, “this sponsorship will allow us to be closer to a very important social mass for us, as this is one of Unicaja's main areas of activity”. In addition, he added, “thanks to the Business Club we will be able to participate in meeting spaces with other companies to continue contributing ideas and resources that promote business growth in Asturias”.


For her part, Estela Díaz Caicoya has indicated that, “thanks to Unicaja's support, the Business Club will gain new strength, which will boost its potential, generating very interesting activities for the Asturian business fabric and facilitating more fruitful relations between entrepreneurs”. “Together with Unicaja, we will generate that identification and active presence that we are looking for in Asturian society at all levels”, he said.


The new sponsorship, which was recently unveiled during the first meeting of the Real Oviedo Business Club by Unicaja season, will cover three seasons.



Business Club by Unicaja


Unicaja is part of the Real Oviedo Business Club and gives its name to this project, made up of more than 60 local and national companies that collaborate with Real Oviedo and have Asturias as a field of action.


The Real Oviedo Business Club by Unicaja, created two years ago, aims to establish synergies between small, medium and large companies in the Asturian business network.


In the coming months, it plans a calendar of activities, including business events, training sessions, experiences, conferences and round tables, visits to companies and sports activities, with the aim of creating networking spaces where members can exchange ideas, generate business agreements or identify opportunities for collaboration.

  • Institucional

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