Más de 500 personas mayores se benefician del programa de educación financiera y digital de Edufinet, que supera las 356.000 visualizaciones online en el primer trimestre

Más de 500 personas mayores se benefician del programa de educación financiera y digital de Edufinet, que supera las 356.000 visualizaciones online en el primer trimestre

El proyecto de educación financiera ha impartido durante este período 40 talleres formativos dirigidos específicamente a este colectivo, con el objetivo de favorecer su inclusión financiera y transición tecnológica
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Unicaja optimizes consumption of its technology platform with Orizon

Unicaja optimizes consumption of its technology platform with Orizon

The bank has started, together with Orizon, a project to optimize the consumption derived from the treatment of the different business processes on its mainframe technology platform
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Unicaja acoge en Salamanca una muestra de la colección pictórica perteneciente a la Fundación Vargas-Zúñiga y Pérez-Lucas

Unicaja acoge en Salamanca una muestra de la colección pictórica perteneciente a la Fundación Vargas-Zúñiga y Pérez-Lucas

La exposición está compuesta por 57 obras de importantes autores, pertenecientes a José María Vargas Zúñiga, que fue presidente de Caja Salamanca y presidente de honor de Caja Duero 26 ABR. 2024
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Unicaja colabora con el Ayuntamiento y la Cámara de Comercio de León en una campaña de Bonos para apoyar a los pequeños comerciantes

Unicaja colabora con el Ayuntamiento y la Cámara de Comercio de León en una campaña de Bonos para apoyar a los pequeños comerciantes

Los ciudadanos podrán beneficiarse de los descuentos en sus compras o consumiciones hasta el 30 de septiembre 25 ABR. 2024
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Unicaja and APAG Guadalajara collaborate to facilitate CAP processing and financial benefits to farmers

Unicaja and APAG Guadalajara collaborate to facilitate CAP processing and financial benefits to farmers

They offer facilities for the management of subsidies through APAG Guadalajara and access to the advance payment by Unicaja. The financial institution has allocated around 800 million euros in pre-approved loans in the current campaign 24 ABR. 2024
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Unicaja provides a wide range of insurance and pension plans adapted to the needs of its customers

Unicaja provides a wide range of insurance and pension plans adapted to the needs of its customers

Unicaja offers its customers a wide range of non-life insurance, life insurance and pension plans that make up a full protection map with coverage and benefits to meet any need 23 ABR. 2024
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Unicaja reaffirms its support to the agricultural sector in Almeria with its collaboration in the Expolevante agricultural fair

Unicaja reaffirms its support to the agricultural sector in Almeria with its collaboration in the Expolevante agricultural fair

Unicaja shows its support for the agricultural sector in Almeria with its collaboration, once again, in Expolevante Níjar 2024, the 16th Agriculture Fair of Níjar (Almería), which will be held from 24 to 26 April 23 ABR. 2024
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Unicaja offers companies and freelancers the Uni Seguro Plan, which allows them to unify premiums and pay in installments without surcharges

Unicaja offers companies and freelancers the Uni Seguro Plan, which allows them to unify premiums and pay in installments without surcharges

Unicaja offers companies and freelancers the Uni Seguro Plan for Companies and the Agricultural Sector to facilitate the payment of insurance through the unification of their premiums, with financing at zero cost and payment in easy monthly installments, without surcharges 18 ABR. 2024
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