Mr. José Sevilla Álvarez


Non-Executive Chairman. Date of first appointment: 04/05/2024

Mr Sevilla holds an Economics and Business Studies degree granted by the CUNEF.


He is presently an Independent Director of Aareal Bank AG and has likewise been an Independent Director of Renta 4 Banco.


In recent years, he pursued his professional career at Bankia, where he performed several roles since he joined in 2012, such as Executive Director and General Manager holding responsibility for the Control, Risks, Finance and Internal Audit areas as well as Chair of the Board of Directors' Executive Risk Committee. He was appointed as Chief Executive Officer in 2014, a position he held until Bankia's merger with CaixaBank in 2021. He was also a Director of BFA Tenedora de Acciones, SAU.


He had previously held several positions at BBVA as a member of its Management Committee, General Manager of Risks, General Manager of the Chairmanship Area, Business Development Manager, and Strategy and Finance Manager of the Group's America Area. He was likewise a Director at BBVA Bancomer.


He began his investment banking career at FG Inversiones Bursátiles, where he was responsible for the Equity Research Department, and at Merrill Lynch, as a Senior Equity Analyst for European banks.

Mr. Isidro Rubiales Gil


Chief Executive Officer. Ratified and named 11/14/2023

Mr. Rubiales has a degree in Economics and Business Science, with major in Public Finance.

With more than thirty years of broad professional experience in the financial sector, he has developed his entire career at Unicaja Banco, where he has held various senior management positions and with very diverse responsibilities in relevant areas of the Institution, highlighting his work as Head of Accounting, Head of Control Division or Director General of Control, Strategy and Relations with Supervisors. Since July 2021 he holds the position of Director General Attached to the Chairman, for Control and Relations with Supervisors.

He has been a member of the Board of Directors of companies belonging to Grupo Unicaja Banco, such as Unicaja Gestión de Activos Inmobiliarios, S.L., Unigest SGIIC SAU, Gestión de Inmuebles Adquiridos, S.L. and Unicartera Internacional.

Mr. Miguel González Moreno


Vice-Chairman, Proprietary. Date of first appointment: 30/03/2023

Mr González Moreno is a Tenured Professor of Applied Economics (retired) at the University of Granada. He was granted a Degree in Economics and Business Studies by the University of Malaga and a PhD in Economics and Business Studies by the University of Alcalá de Henares.

He has carried out extensive academic and research activities at the Universities of Malaga, Alcalá and Granada, as well as in other organisations like the National Public Administration Institute, the Institute for Fiscal Studies ascribed to the Ministry of Public Finance and the FIES Foundation (now FUNCAS) of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks.  

In the area of finance, he has carried out his professional activity as a director of Caja Rural de Granada, a member of its Governing Board and of its Executive, Risk (of which he was also the Chairman) and Audit and Regulatory Compliance Committees.

Director Category: Proprietary Director (at the proposal of Fundación Bancaria Unicaja).

Ms. Natalia Sánchez Romero


Secretary - Proprietary Director Appointed on 30/03/2023

Ms Sanchez Romero holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies from the University of Malaga as well as an AMP (Advanced Management Program) qualification from the Instituto de Empresa.

She is currently the Executive Vice-President and Secretary General of the Confederation of Malaga Entrepreneurs (CEM) and the Secretary of the Culture, Economics and Environment (CEM) Foundation.

She is a member of the Executive Committee and the Governing Board of the Andalusian Entrepreneurs Confederation (CEA), as well as a member of the Governing Boards of the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (CEPYME) and of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE). She is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Malaga Chamber of Commerce and of the Andalusian Board of Chambers, to mention just a few.

She is likewise a member of the Malaga Port Authority's Board of Directors, as well as a member of the University of Malaga's Social Council, the Economic and Social Council of Andalusia (CES Andalusia), the City of Malaga's Social Council and a member of the Executive Committee of the MADECA Foundation (Secretary), the Executive Committee of the CIEDES and that of the CIFAL Association.

She has been a member of the Board of Directors of Avalunión SGR since 2013 until the incorporation of Garántia, SGR in 2017.

Director Category: Proprietary Director (at the proposal of Fundación Bancaria Unicaja).

Ms. Rocío Fernández Funcia


Independent Coordinating Director. Ratified and named 11/14/2023

Fernández holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid with a double specialisation in Auditing and Finance.

She developed her professional career at PwC. She joined the Audit Division in 1990 and stayed there for 12 years, after which she set up a new business unit. She was the partner in charge of PwC's Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services (CMAAS) from 2005.

She is specialised in international accounting standards, financial reporting and securities issues in the Spanish and international markets. She also formed part of the global Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services, in addition to being the executive holding responsibility for Transactions at PwC EMEA. She was a member of the group of experts set up by the Bank of Spain for the Spanish financial sector's conversion process to the International Financial Reporting Standards.

She has been involved in a large number of financial transactions involving Spanish institutions, IPOs, private placements to foreign investors, capital increases and takeover bids, along with bond issues and swaps. in both the Spanish and international capital markets.

She is a member of the Official Registry of Auditors of Accounts (ROAC), the Spanish Institute of Chartered Accounts (ICJC) and the Institute of Director-Administrators (IC-A).

She is presently an independent director on the Boards of Directors of Avanza Previsión, S.A. —a Spanish insurance company— and Cofides, S.A., SME, a public-private company that finances financing the internationalization of the Spanish economy, promoting the development and strengthening the solvency of companies affected by COVID-19, where she respectively holds the offices of Chair of the Audit Committee and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, in addition to being a member of the Sustainability Committee at Cofides.

Ms. Nuria Aliño Pérez


Independent Director. Ratified and named 11/14/2023

Ms. Aliño has a degree in Economics and Business, with a specialization in Finance, and a degree in Law from the Pontifical University of Comillas (ICADE E-3).

Professional with more than 25 years of experience in the financial industry in both developed countries (BBVA) and developing countries (IFC - World Bank Group and Inter-American Development Bank), including, among others, mergers and acquisitions, structured financing, financing of projects, capital markets, venture capital, sustainable finance, impact investments.

She has served as an advisor for Banco BHD's digital strategy and has accompanied the expansion of software companies such as Mambu , a cloud banking platform, and Veridas , a digital identity verification company.

She has been part of the Board of Directors of other technology companies such as Altitude Software and Social Point and was a member of the Advisory Board of venture capital companies such as Nauta Capital or Prax Capital Fund. She has also been independent director of SOLTEC POWER HOLDINGS, S.A.

Currently, she is an independent director and member of the Audit Committee and the Risk Committee of CREDICORP LTD and an independent director of Banco de Crédito del Perú.  Likewise, she collaborates as a senior consultant for Digital Finance and Sustainability at IFC-World Bank Group and is a professor in advanced seminars at the private university IE University.

Ms. María Luisa Arjonilla López


Independent Director. Ratified and named 04/29/2020. Re-elected on 04/05/2024

Ms. Arjonilla has a degree in Biological Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. With extensive experience in the technology sector applied to banking and financial markets, she has held the position of Head of Technology and Commercial Banking Operations at Banco Santander, Head of Technology at Banco Popular and previously held the same position at Barclays Bank Spain. At Euro Automatic Cash, entidad de pago S.L. she was appointed non-executive Director. Part of her professional career has been carried out in areas closely linked to technology, as Product Manager at Alnova Technologies, as a consultant and manager at Accenture and as an advisor in the Financial Services Market area of Minsait.


She has also taught in the technological field, as an associate professor in the Computer Science Department of the Polytechnic School (Carlos III University) and in a Master’s Program on Digital Transformation (University of Salamanca), also collaborating with the Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles. Currently, she continues to collaborate with the executive programs specialized in technology at AFI Escuela.


She has a Master's degree in Big Data and Analytics from the UNED. Currently, she is Corporate Director of Technology at Proeduca Altus Group and member of the Management Committee.

Mr. Antonio Carrascosa Morales


Independent Director. Ratified and named 11/14/2023

Mr. Carrascosa has a degree in Economics and Business Science from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard University. He is a State Economist and Commercial Technician.

He has a long career in the financial sector, having held, among other relevant positions, those of Executive Director of the Single Resolution Board, European banking resolution authority, Director General of the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring, Director General of Economic Policy of the Ministry of Economy, Director General of Entities of the National Securities Market Commission and Deputy Director General of Financial-International Affairs of the Ministry of Economy. In the private sector, he was Head of Regulatory Compliance in the Financial Sector at PricewaterhouseCoopers Spain.

Representing the State, he has been a member of the Boards of Directors of entities such as ICEX, AENA, Expansión Exterior SA, Fábrica Nacional de la Moneda y Timbre, Caja Postal Argentaria and Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros.

He is currently an associate professor at the University of Navarra and since 2022 he has been collaborating as an external advisor to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on projects to advise authorities in various countries (Georgia, Iceland, Angola, Egypt, etc.) on financial crisis management. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of FUNCAS and collaborates in several newspapers such as Expansión or El País, writing articles on economic and financial topics.

Mr. Víctor Covián Regales


Propietary Director. Appointed on 04/05/2024

El Sr. Covián es licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Oviedo.

En 2014 inició su carrera profesional en el sector financiero, con su incorporación a Liberbank, S.A., donde fue Director del Departamento de Asesoría Jurídica Procesal y Director de Departamento de Recuperación de Activos. Tras la fusión con Unicaja Banco, S.A., ha sido Director del Área de Recuperación Procesal desde septiembre de 2021 hasta diciembre de 2022.

Con anterioridad, ejerció los cargos de Magistrado Suplente en la Audiencia Provincial de Asturias (1997-2004) y Letrado Director en Procesa Recuperación de Activos S.A. (2004 – 2014).

Desde 2023 es abogado en ejercicio y desempeña una labor docente como Profesor Tutor de Derecho Penal en la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia desde 2003.

Categoría como Consejero: Dominical (a propuesta de la Fundación Bancaria Caja de Ahorros de Asturias).


Mr. Rafael Domínguez de la Maza


Propietary Director. Appointed on 03/31/2022

Mr. Domínguez has a degree in Business Management from Instituto Internacional de San Telmo, and he has also completed the Owner President Management programme (OPM) from Harvard Business School.

He has held relevant positions in the management body of the listed companies CAVOLO Inversiones SICAV, Wilmington SICAV and Patton Investment SICAV. He has also been proprietary director at Masmovil Ibercom, S.A.

He has developed all his career at Grupo Mayoral, holding several managerial and responsibility positions at different companies of the family group: he is the sole manager of Global Portfolio Investments, S.L. and of Wilmington Capital, S.L., CEO (Consejero Delegado) of Indumenta Pueri, S.L. since May 2022, and General Deputy Director of Mayoral Moda Infantil, S.A.U., company where he has held several managerial positions since 1989, expanding the business to over 50 countries.

Directorship category: Proprietary (proposed by Global Portfolio Investments, S.L.).

Ms. Inés Guzmán Arrue


Independent Director. Ratified and named 11/14/2023

Ms. Guzmán is a professional with an outstanding track record in technology and business transformation. She holds a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Deusto and an Executive MBA from IE Instituto de Empresa. She furthered her education through management development programmes at the IESE Business School and the IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland, and has completed a director programme at ESADE, thereby demonstrating her ongoing commitment to learning and leadership.

She held several domestic and global positions of responsibility at Accenture, excelling in key sectors like telecommunications, the media, platforms and technology. She has led global and local units, contributing to notable achievements such as the opening up of the European communications market and digital transformation through artificial intelligence.

Su experiencia directiva se ha extendido a diferentes sectores, ocupando cargos como Directora General responsable global de la unidad Digital y de Operaciones para los sectores de sectores de Telecomunicaciones y Medios de Comunicación, además de dirigir el negocio en el Reino Unido e Irlanda para estos sectores. Así mismo, ha sido la Directora General responsable de la unidad de Operaciones para Europa y Latinoamérica en los sectores de Telecomunicaciones, Medios de comunicación, Plataformas y Tecnología, además de la Directora General de esta unidad para España y Portugal. También ha desempeñado roles destacados como Directora General responsable global del negocio de CRM (Customer Relationship Management).

Ms. Guzmán has actively participated in key Accenture Committees, including the Global Leadership Council (GLC), the Operations Unit Global Management Committee, the Digital Unit Global Management Committee, the Global Steering Committee of the Telecommunications and Media sectors unit, the Executive Committee for Spain Portugal and Israel, in addition to others, thus demonstrating her commitment to business excellence and corporate social responsibility.

Aside from her career, she has been a Master of Ceremonies and a speaker at industry. She has also been the keynote speaker at the IE Business School MBA Graduation, sharing her knowledge with the upcoming generation of leaders. Outside work, she dedicates her time to #HourOfCode initiative, fostering digital literacy and technology skills among future generations.

Mr. Juan Antonio Izaguirre Ventosa


Proprietary Director. Appointed on 03/30/2023

Mr Izaguirre Ventosa was granted a Degree in Economics and Business Studies by the University Complutense of Madrid and was awarded an extraordinary prize and the first national prize for the best academic record.

His professional career has principally been carried out as a Credit Institution Inspector at the Bank of Spain and as an Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid, teaching in the areas of Cost Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis. As far as his academic experience is concerned, he has taught and directed several courses and seminars at the Bank of Spain, the Madrid College of Economists, the Tax Agency Inspection School and at the industry's specialised companies.

In the private banking sector, he has been the Financial Controller of the Chase Manhattan Bank Group.

He has also been a professor of the National Public Administration Institute, a member of the Register of Auditors and a chartered accountant.

Director Category: Proprietary Director (at the proposal of Fundación Bancaria Unicaja).

Ms. Carolina Martínez Caro


Independent Director. Appointed on 03/31/2022

Ms. Martínez Caro holds a degree in Law and a Diploma in Business Administration from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE, E-1) and a master’s degree in European law with a specialization in Finance from the Institut d'Etudes Européennes in Brussels.

Throughout her career, she has continued her training through management development programs at different business schools around the world, such as IESE (Barcelona), Wharton BS (Philadelphia), CEIBSS (Shanghai) or Haas BS (San Francisco). In addition, she has participated in advisory programs organized by companies such as PwC, SPENCER STUART and DELOITTE, among others.

A professional with more than 30 years of experience in the financial industry, Ms. Martinez Caro contributed to the development of Merrill Lynch Private Banking in Spain, first, and then Bank of America, where she became Senior Vice President-Investments. She subsequently joined the Swiss bank Julius Baer upon her arrival in Spain, where, as its CEO, she led the implementation and subsequent growth of the parent company in the Spanish and Portuguese markets, managing to position the brand as one of the leading Wealth Management Banks in the Iberian market. In this role, she was a member of the Executive Committee of the entity at European level.

She is currently an independent director of the Philippine conglomerate LH Paragon Inc and of Clínica Baviera, S.A., being President of the Audit Committee and member of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee. She is also a member of the Provincial Council of Madrid and a member of the Audit Committee of the National Council of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), a member of the Advisory Board of the law firm FinReg360, Senior Advisor of Forbes Global Properties and a member of the Board of Trustees of the ITER Foundation.

Finally, Ms. Martinez Caro provides external and independent advice to several Family Offices, both national and foreign, providing her extensive experience in topics as varied as M&A, portfolio management, transfer to the next generation or the development of Philanthropy.

Mr. José Ramón Sánchez Serrano


Proprietary Director. Appointed on 03/30/2023

Mr Sánchez Serrano simultaneously studied Business Administration and Management (LADE) and Tourism at the University of Malaga. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Malaga (cum laude). He subsequently broadened his academic background through various postgraduate programs, such as a Master's Degree in Auditing of Accounts at the Instituto de Empresa, a Specialist Qualification in Corporate Accounting at the University of Alcalá de Henares and a Master's Degree in International Cooperation and Development at the University of Malaga, to name but a few.

Mr Sánchez Serrano has more recently continued to widen his academic knowledge through other executive programmes, like a Mergers and Acquisitions course taught by the Columbia Business School and an EMBA programme at the City University of London (Bayes Business School).

He is currently working in the private sector as an Auditor of Accounts at the firm EUDITA and has conducted numerous audits and carried out economic-financial consulting for companies in both the private and public sectors. He is also a member of several working groups of the Institute of Accounting and Auditing of Accounts (ICAC), a body dependent on the Ministry of Economic, Commerce and Business.

In so far as his university teaching and research are concerned, he is an Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting at the University of Malaga and was previously a professor at the University of Deusto, as well as a regular collaborator of the Training Department of the General Council of Economists of Spain.

He is likewise a member of several professional associations and research institutions, such as the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts, and holds the Chair of Economics and Sustainable Finance at the University of Malaga. Mr Sánchez Serrano has authored numerous papers published in highly regarded academic journals and has written books on financial accounting and auditing that have been published by prestigious publishers.

Director Category: Proprietary Director (at the proposal of Fundación Bancaria Unicaja).

Board of Directors

Mr. José Sevilla Álvarez

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Mr. Isidro Rubiales Gil

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Mr. Miguel González Moreno

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Ms. Natalia Sánchez Moreno

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Ms. Rocío Fernández Funcia

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Ms. Nuria Aliño Pérez

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Ms. María Luisa Arjonilla López

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Mr. Antonio Carrascosa Morales

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Mr. Víctor Covián Regales


Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Mr. Rafael Domínguez de la Maza

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Ms. Inés Guzmán Arrue

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Mr. Juan Antonio Izaguirre Ventosa

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Ms. Carolina Martínez Caro

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Board of Directors

Mr. José Ramón Sánchez

Shares Direct


Shares Indirect


% of total rights


Identification of the persons holding the positions of Chairman and CEO

Identification of the persons holding the positions of Chairman and CEO:

  • Non-Executive Chairman: Mr. José Sevilla Álvarez
  • CEO: Mr. Isidro Rubiales Gil


Audit and Regulatory Compliance Committee



The Audit and Regulatory Compliance Committee is composed of three independent directors and two proprietary directors.



Ms. Rocío Fernández Funcia. Independent director.



Ms. María Luisa Arjonilla López. Independent director.

Ms. Carolina Martínez Caro. Independent director.

Mr. José Ramón Sánchez Serrano. Proprietary director.



Mr. Rafael Domínguez de la Maza. Proprietary director.





The functions of the Audit and Regulatory Compliance Committee are detailed in Article 25 of the Bylaws  and are further developed in Article 31 of the Board of Directors Regulations and in the Audit and Regulatory Compliance Committee Regulations.


Risk Committee. Identification of the Risk Unit Director



Risk Committee is composed of two independent directors and one proprietary director.


Mr. Antonio Carrascosa Morales. Independent director.



Ms. Nuria Aliño Pérez. Independent director.



Mr. Juan Antonio Izaguirre Ventosa. Proprietary director.





The functions of the Risk Committee are described in Article 26 of the Bylaws and detailed in Article 34 of the Board of Directors Regulations.


Identification of the risk unit director


The General Director of Risk Control and Relations with Supervisors is Mr. Cédric Blanchetière (Chief Risk Officer).

Appointments Committee



The Appointments Committee is composed of two independent directors and one proprietary director.



Ms. María Luisa Arjonilla López. Independent director.  



Ms. Rocío Fernández Funcia. Independent director


Mr. José Ramón Sánchez Serrano. Proprietary director.





The functions of the Appointments Committee are described in Article 27 of the Bylaws and detailed in Article 32 Board of Directors Regulations.


Remuneration Committee



The Remuneration Committee is composed of two independent directors and one proprietary director.



Ms. Carolina Martínez Caro. Independent director.



Mr. Antonio Carrascosa Morales. Independent director.



Mr. Juan Antonio Izaguirre Ventosa. Proprietary director.





The functions of the Remuneration Committee are listed in Article 27 bis of the Bylaws and further detailed in Article 33 of the Board of Directors Regulations.


Digital Transformation, Innovation and Technology Committee



The Digital Transformation, Innovation and Technology Committee is composed of three independent directors.



Ms. Inés Guzmán Arrue. Independent director.



Ms. Carolina Martínez Caro. Independent Director.



Ms. Nuria Aliño Pérez. Independent Director.





The functions of the Digital Transformation, Innovation and Technology Committee are detailed in article 34.ter of the Regulations of the Board of Directors.

Sustainability Committee



The Sustainability Committee is composed of two independent director and one proprietary directors.



Ms. Nuria Aliño Pérez. Independent director.



Ms. Inés Guzmán Arrúe. Independent Director.



Ms. Natalia Sánchez Romero. Proprietary director.





The functions of the Sustainability Committee are detailed in article 34.bis of the Regulations of the Board of Directors.

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