Unicaja Banco held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders today in Malaga, which ratified the renewal of its Board of Directors carried out in recent months. The Meeting of Shareholders approved the ratification of the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer, Isidro Rubiales, with 97.4% of the votes cast, as well as the appointment of four independent directors, Nuria Aliño, Antonio Carrascosa, Rocío Fernández and Inés Guzmán. The Meeting also approved to temporarily maintain the existing vacancy, so that it can be filled by a new independent director, whose selection process has begun.
The appointment of Isidro Rubiales as executive director of Unicaja Banco was approved by the Board of Directors on 31 July, and on 29 September he was appointed CEO (Consejero Delegado) of the bank, after receiving the corresponding regulatory authorizations.
In the case of the four independent directors, their appointment, which was ratified today by the General Meeting of Shareholders, allows the Board to have six independent directors and to be aligned with the recommendations of good corporate governance; also in terms of gender diversity, as the Board has six women directors.
This completes the renewal of the Board of Directors, pending filling the existing vacancy following the resignation of a proprietary director last August. In this regard, the Meeting of Shareholders has approved to temporarily maintain the existing vacancy, so that it can be filled by co-optation by a new independent director, whose selection process has been initiated, as mentioned above.
On the other hand, the General Meeting of Shareholders has also approved the remuneration policy for the members of the Board of Directors, which will be applied from the date of its approval and during years 2024, 2025 and 2026. This policy follows the standards of listed companies and good governance recommendations. Specifically, this remuneration policy adapts to Unicaja Banco’s new governance model and responds to the best market practices.
New stage
In his speech at the Meeting of Shareholders, the Chairman of Unicaja Banco, Manuel Azuaga, pointed out that ‘with the appointment of the CEO -with which a new stage and governance model is initiated-, we intend to boost commercial activity and reinforce the capacity to generate results, giving continuity to the trajectory of financial soundness and links with the territories in which we operate, especially in those of origin, where we must continue to be a benchmark institution’.