
Unicaja Banco collaborates with the loan of a painting by Rogelio de Egusquiza for a CASYC exhibition on symbolism

'The Music' can be visited until January, along with a set of more than 60 pieces by different artists

27 OCT 2023

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco once again collaborates with culture through the temporary loan of a work by Rogelio de Egusquiza for the  ‘Symbolism. The sweet yellow rays of the end of autumnexhibition’, organized by Fundación Caja Cantabria and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Santander and Cantabria (MAS).


The painting by the artist from Santander, entitled ‘The music’, is part of a set of more than 60 works, which, from the afternoon of Friday 27 October, until next 10 January, can be seen at the Center for Social and Cultural Action (CASYC) of Fundación Caja Cantabria Foundation and allow visitors to travel through the symbolism.


This joint exhibition shows visitors works by different artists close to the movement of symbolism from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century, through which they sought intellectual knowledge and conceptual expression.


The title of this new exhibition of Fundación Caja Cantabria y and MAS (‘The sweet yellow rays of the end of autumn’) alludes to one of the lines of ‘Autumn Song’, poem by Charles Baudelaire included in ‘The Flowers of Evil’.


Along with Rogelio de Egusquiza, the exhibition features works by Goya, Clara Trueba y Cosío, José Gutiérrez-Solana, José María Rodríguez, José Villegas, Donato Avendaño, Ramón Casas, Julio Romero de Torres, María Roësset, Gerardo de Alvear, Pancho Cossío, Evaristo Valle, Santiago Ontañón, Ricardo Bernardo, Antonio Quirós, Joan Miró, Cristino de Vera, Eduardo Soria, Ciuco Gutiérrez, José Luis Mazarío, Emilio González Sainz, Chema Cobo or Luis González Palma.


The exhibition, curated by the Head of MAS, Salvador Carretero, and the Head of Fundación Caja Cantabria, Juan Muñiz, together with Fernando Zamanillo and Ruth Méndez, will offer guided tours for both school groups and adults. In addition, meetings, talks and dialogues on the artists represented in the exhibition are scheduled.



Support to culture


The temporary loan of this work by Rogelio de Egusquiza is part of Unicaja Banco’s support to culture and art in all its regions of operation and, especially, in Cantabria, one of its regions of origin and where it is a renowned financial institution.


In fact, Unicaja Banco also lent the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias three paintings by the Asturian painters Evaristo Valle and José Purón Sotres for the exhibition ‘Escanciando. Representaciones de la sidra asturiana en las artes plásticas’, whose theme is the culture and traditions of Asturian cider and which can be seen in Oviedo until 5 November.



  • Institucional

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