
Unicaja Banco, Fundación de Castilla y León and Fundación Miguel Delibes promote the exhibition ‘El fuego de la conciencia. 25 años de El hereje de Delibes’

The exhibition, which will be inaugurated on 17 October at the regional Parliament on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the publication of The Heretic, will feature more than 150 pieces from 40 institutions

10 OCT 2023

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and the Fundación Miguel Delibes have signed a collaboration agreement for the sponsorship of the exhibition ‘El fuego de la conciencia. 25 años de El hereje de Delibes’, which will be inaugurated on October 17, at the headquarters of the regional Parliament.


The President of the Parliament and of Fundación de Castilla y León, Carlos Pollen, received this Tuesday the President of Fundación Miguel Delibes, Elisa Delibes de Castro, and the Head of Institutional Relations and Image of Unicaja Banco, Fernando Ríos.


By sponsoring this exhibition, Unicaja Banco strengthens its ties with Castilla y León, one of its regions of origin, and reaffirms its commitment to the promotion of culture and art.


The Parliament promotes this exhibition, organized by Fundación de Castilla y León and Fundación Miguel Delibes, on the 25th anniversary of the publication of El hereje (The Heretic), the last novel by the writer from Valladolid, which takes place in the 16th century, between 1517 and 1559, combining historical facts with experiences and characters born from his own hand, and which is the only one of his titles that bears the mark of 'historical novel'.


The exhibition will be structured in five main areas, each one answering one question: ‘Who writes?’, ‘What do they write?’, ‘Where are we going?’, ‘How are we?’ and the last one answers two: ‘What do we think? What do we believe in?’


The first two have to do specifically with the writing of the novel, the process of information, writing, publication and impact of The Heretic. The next three areas thematically bring the visitor closer to the period in which The Heretic is set, the first decades of the 16th century, in full expansion with the discovery of America and with the artistic, philosophical and literary impulse of the Renaissance and the spread of the printing press.


The exhibition, which articulates an exhibition discourse appropriate to a large-format room, aims to set the visitor in a vital era that involved the expansion of thought through books and helped shape the modern human being, through a collection of about 150 pieces contributed by some 40 museums and institutions, highlighting the Prado Museum, the National Sculpture Museum, the National Archaeological Museum and the Lazaro Galdiano Museum. The exhibition brings together paintings, documents, books, sculptures, maps, tapestries, decorative arts, artistic works and objects of everyday life of the time.


‘El fuego de la conciencia. 25 años de El hereje de Delibes’ will be inaugurated next Tuesday, 17 October, and will remain open to the public in the exhibition hall of the Cortes de Castilla y León in Valladolid, until its closing, on 17 February 2024.

  • Institucional

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