
Unicaja Banco collaborates with Valladolid Food Bank

On 8 October 8, a Charity Walk will be held in the city of Valladolid to raise funds for this humanitarian association

21 SEP 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco will collaborate with Valladolid Food Bank in the sixth edition of the Charity Walk, a recreational event that will take place on 8 October in the city of Valladolid to raise funds for this humanitarian institution. This initiative was presented yesterday at the City Hall, with the presence of José Manuel Matilla, regional manager of Unicaja Banco in Valladolid Centro.


The event will start at 10.30 am, with departure and finish in the lower area of the Municipal Park Cerro de Las Contiendas, near the paddle tennis courts.


The route will be about 5 kilometers and will run entirely within the facilities of the aforementioned Municipal Park. Throughout the route there will be volunteers to guide and attend the participants. There will also be Red Cross coverage and medical service in case anyone needs it.


This charity walk has a recreational and non-competitive nature, so it will be open to the participation of all those individuals, schools, families and organizations that want to collaborate with the Valladolid Food Bank Foundation.


For this 4th edition both the organization and the Valladolid Food Bank Foundation have set a goal of reaching 2,500 participants, which would mean improving the proceeds of 2019, before the pandemic, and being able to acquire the most essential food that would be distributed among the 12,758 beneficiaries currently served by the Valladolid Food Bank.


All participants will receive a piece of fruit, an energy bar and a soft drink during the walk, products that have been donated by different collaborators of the Valladolid Food Bank. Tap water dispensers provided by Aquavall will also be available at various points along the route.


Registration is set at 6 euros. Those who cannot attend the event have the possibility to collaborate, with the so-called “Dorsal 0”, making donations of the desired amount for this solidarity walk. To do so, a QR code will provide access to the website of the Food Bank. Registrations can be made until 8 October on the sports floor of El Corte Inglés on Paseo de Zorrilla and at the customer service of Hipercor in Arroyo de la Encomienda.


All registered participants will receive a commemorative T-shirt for this charity event, while stocks last. 


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