
Unicaja Banco collaborates with the Regional Government of Extremadura in the creation of the Business Financing School

The goal is to improve the competitiveness of companies and contribute to the development of a sustainable regional economy

24 OCT 2022

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco collaborates in the creation of the new Extremadura Business Financing School (Escuela de Financiación Empresarial de Extremadura), which has just been launched in the region. This project has been made possible thanks to the public-private partnership between the Regional Government of Extremadura (Junta de Extremadura), the Sociedad de Garantía Recíproca Extremeña de Avales (Extraval), the public company Extremadura Avante and 11 financial institutions with a presence in the region.


The Territorial Manager of Business Banking at Unicaja Banco, Carlos Martín-Forero, signed the agreement, together with the Regional Minister of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda, Rafael España, and the representatives of Extraval and Avante, for the implementation of this resource, which aims to improve the competitiveness of companies and contribute to the development of a sustainable regional economy, with future projection.


The new school has been designed as a space of collaboration for those public and private entities that have among their objectives the improvement of the financial literacy of companies and entrepreneurs, a key factor of competitiveness in the development and growth of the entities of the region, especially those led by SMEs, freelancers and entrepreneurs, as pointed out Rafael España, during the presentation this Monday in Mérida.


In this line, he remarked that 56 percent of the companies based in Extremadura have one or two employees, so it would be desirable that they reach that “second step” of companies with more than 10 workers. To this end, the Regional Ministry understands that this project can be “one of those competitive elements” that support and reinforce “the training and skills of our business owners and entrepreneurs”.


The head of the Regional Ministry of Economy insisted on the importance that business owners, beyond their training, have updated knowledge and skills and that they are “familiar with the new environments” and the new situations that are emerging day by day, with the help of public-private collaboration.


The aim, he said, is to enable them to know and manage all the resources that will allow them to better manage their businesses in terms of financing and investment.


Training for business owners and entrepreneurs


This framework agreement brings together in a single channel all the elements of training and skills acquisition offered by both the administration and the private sector.


The School is aimed at the entire socioeconomic fabric, but especially at business owners and entrepreneurs who want to update their financial strategies and consolidate business projects, at management teams in the economic-financial area and at professionals who want to improve their knowledge.


In addition, an updated website will be available and will feature content from all the parties involved, with personalized learning itineraries in the different areas of knowledge (


It is also expected that the entrepreneurs and business owners themselves will be the ones to demand specific courses or training that can be developed among all parties.


Among other areas, basic finance, bank financing, digital financial skills, public aids and financing, private investment, alternative financing, digital financing platforms and sustainable finance will be addressed.


The training may be in person or online, and it is also planned to hold webinars to learn about keys and tools, courses to acquire new skills and knowledge, online training MOOCs and meetings with experts.


Tomorrow, Tuesday 25 October, a course with the title “Learn to invest in startups” is scheduled to take place in Badajoz, among other activities already programmed for this fall.

  • Institucional

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