danza vertical-edificio-unicaja-banco-oviedo-2022

The façade of the Unicaja Banco building in Oviedo, stage of a spectacular vertical dance

Foto: El Comercio

This year, women were the central figure

26 JUN 2022

2 Min reading

The façade of the Unicaja Banco building in Plaza de la Escandalera in Oviedo was once again the stage for a vertical dance. This year, women were the central figure. This is one of the main and most popular activities of Cafca (Culture, Art, Family, Open City), the performing arts festival for all audiences organized by the Oviedo City Council.


In this year’s edition, the vertical dance show chosen was ‘Harria Herria’, performed by the company Harrobi Dantza Bertikala and based on the short film of the same title by Dimegaz.


Attention has focused on the figure of women, vindicating the prominence they are acquiring in today’s society. Women who dance, women who climb, even women who lift stones, as if they were raising a country. Harria is the stone, herria is the country.


One of Cafca's main attractions


‘Vertical dance is clearly crazy, but it is also one of the main attractions of Cafca after the success of the show in the previous edition’. This is how the audience of this activity have defined it, amazed at the dance festival in the air, with dancers tied with harnesses to the façade of Unicaja Banco.


One more year, the façade of Plaza de la Escandalera becomes a stage and proscenium of vertigo, as part of the activities organized during the weekend of 24 to 26 June by the Municipal Foundation of Culture (FMC) and that occupy the entire city center, with multiple shows during the day and night in more than 20 locations.

  • Institucional

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