
Unicaja Banco, the leading bank for farmers in the province, supports again growers and livestock breeders in its stand at Salamaq’21

Unicaja Banco remains the main bank in the farming, livestock breeding and agri-food sector in Salamanca and is the leader in the direct payment of CAP subsidies

02 SEP 2021

6 Min reading



Unicaja Banco, the leading bank for agriculture in Salamanca and Castilla y Leon, participates one more year in the trade fair Salamaq’21, which will be inaugurated tomorrow in Salamanca, reflecting the bank’s support to the sector. The stand in the Central Pavillion of the trade center has a surface of 60 sqm. Experts from the bank will give tailored advice to the visitors, explaining the wide range of financial products and services especially designed for growers and livestock breeders, and listening to the real needs and concerns of the sector.


Unicaja Banco maintains its support to Salamanca agricultural entrepreneurs, as agents contributing to reinforce the economic fabric, to the stabilization of population and to the social development of rural areas. Therefore, the bank maintains its commitment to Salamaq’21, to which it has been linked since its first edition. The bank supports this initiative, important both for the province of Salamanca and for the professionals of the sector, as it is consolidated as one of the most relevant in its area at a national and European level.


Among the latest new developments presented by Unicaja Banco at Salamaq’21, agricultural insurance and damage insurance available to growers and livestock breeders must be mentioned. These insurances are aimed at protecting and ensuring the production and agricultural and livestock holdings. The bank, under the agreement it holds with Caser, offers its customers and those interested, the Combined Agricultural Insurance (Agroseguro) and the Agrocaser Insurance for Agricultural and Livestock Holdings.


The Combined Agricultural Insurance offers all the coverage and benefits that an agricultural holding (crop, livestock or acquaculture) may need and customers can choose the degree of protection they need. As this is insurance with state subsidy, customers benefit from a direct discount in their policy and payment is adapted to their needs.


The Agrocaser Insurance for Agricultural and Livestock Holdings offers extensive coverage to secure the protection of holdings and production, such as fire; theft; third-party liability arising from animals; holding's loss of profits; breakdown of machinery; damages and theft of field assets; death caused by certain accidental risks (fire, animal attack or wild dogs, drowning, etc.); cattle theft and other optional coverage. The insurance also allows the coverage of the insured party's home on the holding.


It is also worth to mention that the bank offers the possibility of financing at 0% interest the payment of premiums corresponding to both insurances.Third-party liability arising from animals.

  • The holding's loss of profits.
  • Breakdown of machinery, including milking machines.
  • Damages and theft of field assets, irrigation equipment, including any assets outside the insured facilities, straw haystacks and dry fodder.
  • Livestock Insurance. Covers death or mandatory slaughter as a result of accidents, disease, animal attacks, etc. Also includes subsequent removal and destruction of the carcasses.
  • Theft and death of the livestock, with coverage for vermin attacks.
  • Tools, stock and machinery (irrigation pumps, engines, transformers, accessories and spare parts).
  • The insured party's home on the holding.
  • Third-party liability arising from animals.
  • The holding's loss of profits.
  • Breakdown of machinery, including milking machines.
  • Damages and theft of field assets, irrigation equipment, including any assets outside the insured facilities, straw haystacks and dry fodder.
  • Livestock Insurance. Covers death or mandatory slaughter as a result of accidents, disease, animal attacks, etc. Also includes subsequent removal and destruction of the carcasses.
  • Theft and death of the livestock, with coverage for vermin attacks.
  • Tools, stock and machinery (irrigation pumps, engines, transformers, accessories and spare parts).
  • The insured party's home on the holding.
  • Third-party liability arising from animals.
  • The holding's loss of profits.
  • Breakdown of machinery, including milking machines.
  • Damages and theft of field assets, irrigation equipment, including any assets outside the insured facilities, straw haystacks and dry fodder.
  • Livestock Insurance. Covers death or mandatory slaughter as a result of accidents, disease, animal attacks, etc. Also includes subsequent removal and destruction of the carcasses.
  • Theft and death of the livestock, with coverage for vermin attacks.
  • Tools, stock and machinery (irrigation pumps, engines, transformers, accessories and spare parts).
  • The insured party's home on the holding.



Those visiting Unicaja Banco stand ad Salamaq’21 will also receive information on offers for financing works to renew their farms, to facilitate the generational replacement, acquire vehicles or machinery or get liquidity for everyday payments. In addition to those instruments, the bank offers pre-granted loans, alternatives for exceptional situations or pension plans, mortgage loans and a wide range of insurance.


MAPA-SAECA financing facility


Unicaja Banco has joined the MAPA-SAECA 2021 Liquidity facility, promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. This line provides financing through loans at no guarantee cost for up to 120,000 euros, to be repaid within six years, with the possibility of one year of interest-only repayments and with no notary involvement in loans of up to 35,000 euros. Unicaja Banco’s share in the number of applications for guarantees in Salamanca province exceeds so far 90% and 60% and at regional level.


Leaders one more year in the CAP campaign in Salamanca and the region


Unicaja Banco leads one more year the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) campaign in Salamanca, with 3,018 dossiers managed of the 8,849 submitted in the province, i.e. 34% of the applications. At a regional level, 14,119 dossiers were processed by the bank, of the 69,296 registered with the Junta de Castilla y León, that is, 20.4% of the total of applications was managed by Unicaja Banco. Those figures reflect farmers’ support to Unicaja Banco, the leading bank in Castilla y León.


In this current campaign Unicaja Banco offers again the possibility of receiving the advance payment of subsidies with loans, as well as the customized processing and management of their application dossiers. More specifically, the bank has set a line of pre-granted loans for 325 million euros, available until the end of October, for customers in those regions where Unicaja Banco is a leading bank.


At the same time, the bank has set a credit line of 580 million euros in pre-granted loans for intensive crops. This amount will cover the financing needs both for the agricultural campaign and for investments to be made by farmers. The application period will end in April 2022.


Strong commitment to agriculture and farmers


The participation of Unicaja Banco in Salamaq’21 falls within the bank’s strong commitment to support agriculture and farmers, especially in the current situation caused by the COVID-19 crisis. This commitment is reflected in the provision of financial, protection and advice services, in the development of specific agreements and in the stake in businesses of this sector.





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