Analistas Económicos de Andalucía has published the report ‘El sector agrario en Castilla y León 2020’ (‘The Agricultural Sector in Castilla y León 2020. The preparation and publication of this report falls within Unicaja Banco’s policy to support the farming and agri-food sector in Castilla y León, strategic pillars of its economic structure, due both to its contribution to the generation of wealth and employment in the region and to the role they play in the territorial cohesion and balance.
The main goal of this report is to provide an analysis of the situation and recent evolution of the agricultural and agri-food sector in Castilla y León. As in previous editions, the report is structured as follows: after the prologue and a short introduction, the document is divided into four chapters.
The first chapter analyses the relevance of the agricultural sector, including, inter alia, the development of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the evolution of the main indicators of the labor market and the evolution of agricultural productions.
The second chapter presents estimates of macroeconomic agricultura data in 2019, one of the main contributions of the work, and a detailed analysis is provided on the evolution of the agricultural income and production in Castilla y León and in each province.
Chapter 3 is devoted to the agri-food industry in the region, trying to highlight the importance of this industrial branch. Attention is paid to its main figures, such as turnover, employment and business structure, as well as agri-food exports and food consumption. Finally, the report includes a chapter with the main findings and conclusions.
Download here the report