

The Report falls within the policy to support the business sector and to foster entrepreneurship

05 FEB 2021

2 Min reading

Analistas Económicos de Andalucía has published the report Análisis económico-financiero de la Empresa de Castilla y León 2020 (Economic and Financial Analysis of Castilla y Leon Companies 2020).


The preparation and publication of this report falls within Unicaja Banco’s policy to support the business sector and to foster entrepreneurship, and is based on the analysis of the annual accounts presented by companies at the trade registers of Castilla y Leon, corresponding to the financial year 2018 –latest year with information available for all the companies which compose the sample. The report includes an advance of the results of Castilla y Leon companies in 2019.


The report has the following structure: after the introduction and the summary of the main results, the first block starts with the review of the economic context in which Castilla y León companies have carried out their activities. It focuses later on their demographic features (nature of the business activity, size and geographical location) and their evolution in recent years.


In a second block, the report analyses the companies which, because of their economic and financial behavior, are regarded as Business References, under three criteria: capacity to generate resources (leaders), capacity to increase sales (gazelles) and capacity to obtain a high profitability (high profitability).


The third section pays attention to the economic and financial evolution of Castilla y León companies.


The economic and financial analysis ends with an advance of the information available for the year 2019. Finally,  the ‘Economic and Financial Reports’ of the main aggregates and a ‘Dictionary of economic and financial terms’ are included as an annexes, to supplement the information provided.


Download here the full report





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