
Unicaja Banco provides support to SMEs and freelancers in Extremadura and strengthens financing under guarantee schemes to reactivate the economy in the COVID-19 crisis

Unicaja Banco shows its support to SMEs and freelancers in Extremadura and, in view of the situation caused by the coronavirus crisis, in addition to joining the guarantee facilities set by institutions such as ICO, it has adhered to the line established in Extremadura via Extraval

13 AUG 2020

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco works to contribute to the reactivation of the economy in the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic and, therefore, it promotes measures to assist businesses and freelancers, such as financing facilities under guarantee schemes. In particular, it has joined the Extraval Circulante COVID-19 line, aimed at the Extremadura business sector and promoted by the Consejería de Economía, Ciencia y Agenda Digital of the Junta de Extremadura, under the Decree-Law 9/2020 of 13 May.


This way, the bank incorporates the specific liquidity measures promoted by the mutual guarantee scheme Sociedad de Garantía Recíproca (SGR) Extremeña de Avales (Extraval), supported by public organizations and institutions such as the Junta de Extremadura.


For that purpose, Extraval and Unicaja Banco have signed an addenda to the collaboration agreement that they have since 2019 and which, in general, responds to the bank’s commitment to support SMEs and freelancers in Extremadura, contributing to their progress as creators of wealth and employment.


The addenda has been recently signed by the Regional Manager for Extremadura and Western Andalusia of Unicaja Banco, José Enrique Gutiérrez, and by the Head of Extraval, Celestino Vegas. It intends to facilitate financing for SMEs and freelancers in Extremadura, so as to provide a guarantee for the new financing transactions to cover the working capital needs derived from the coronavirus pandemic.


This liquidity line will be in force until 31 December and among ifs financial advantages, it includes a maximum amount of 150,000 euros and up to seven years for repayment.


Additionally, Unicaja Banco maintains the ICO COVID-19 Guarantee Line at the disposal of companies and freelancers. This line was approved as part of the measures included in the Royal Decree-law 8/2020, which includes the establishment of a guarantee facility to mitigate the economic impact of this crisis on the business sector. It also offers funding under public guarantee schemes promoted by other regional institutions.


The offering to businesses and freelancers of the guarantee facilities approved by the different administrations and institutions responds to the support that Unicaja Banco offers to the business sector at any time, key in the economy boost and employment creation, especially now in view of the impact caused by the COVID-19 health crisis.


Solutions for corporate customers


In addition to guarantee facilities for loans and liquidity for businesses and freelancers, Unicaja Banco offers flexible solutions to its corporate customers affected by the economic impact of the coronavirus.


In particular, it could provide freelancers and companies with flexible financing conditions (extended of term, interest-only periods and flexible repayment conditions in general), adapted on a case-by-case basis.


Since the start of the COVID-19 health crisis, Unicaja Banco has been promoting a set of measures to support its customers, especially those in a situation of vulnerability, and to contribute to the reactivation of the economy as well.

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