
Unicaja Banco collaborates with the University of Oviedo in the awards to students with the highest grades

The bank gives three awards

29 NOV 2021

2 Min reading

The University of Oviedo, on the occasion of the festivity of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, has given the Outstanding Student Awards to the students with the highest grades in the school year 2020-2021, in which Unicaja Banco collaborates.


Thus, the Unicaja Banco Award to the highest grades at the University has been for the student Emilio Fernández Viejo, with a Degree in Spanish Language and its Literatures.


The bank has also given the Outstanding Student Award in Economics to Martín Vilariño Movilla, and the Outstanding Student Award in Business Administration and Management to Elena Álvarez Alonso, at an event held at University of Oviedo’s Historic Building.


The said event was chaired by the Rector of the University of Oviedo, Ignacio Villaverde, together with other authorities. Marta Rodríguez Mazariegos, Business Banking Manager, attended in representation of Unicaja Banco.


At the event, the Head of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation, Mercedes Siles, gave the lecture ‘Towards an Academy of quality as value of future’, and the University Choir has also participated.


Unicaja Banco maintains a close collaboration with the University of Oviedo, a renowned institution in the educational community and which intends to contribute to social progress, through its commitment to teaching and scientific excellence. 

  • Institucional

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