
Edufinet Project shows the keys to corporate finance and entrepreneurship to more than 150 students of the University of Huelva

The goal of these online workshops is to provide students with knowledge and tools that may be of help when launching their future business projects

20 MAY 2021

3 Min reading

Unicaja’s Edufinet Project, in collaboration with the University of Huelva (UHU), has recently organized two online workshops that have allowed more than 150 students to learn the main features of corporate finance and entrepreneurship.


The goal of these online workshops is to provide students with knowledge and tools that may be of help when launching their future business projects.


Introduction to corporate finance


During this training activity, students have learnt about topics such as the importance of finance in corporate management and business viability, profitability ratios and the fund’s operational needs.


The lecturers have also explained the meaning of concepts such as EBITDA and cash-flow, more and more frequently used in the media, and basic ideas to understand financial statements, how depreciation and amortizations work or the difference between accounting and finance, for instance.


Students have been able to apply what they have learnt to different practical cases related to some topical issues.



Entrepreneurship workshop


With the goal of promoting entrepreneurship, the Edufinet Project has also organized an online workshop for future entrepreneurs, where they have received useful information to act autonomously in the field of business.


At the workshop, students have learnt how to prepare a business plan, focusing both on the legal and financial and economic aspects, which are essential when preparing that document.


Furthermore, students have acquired the knowledge needed to assess and choose the legal form and the most appropriate funding to ensure the viability of their future businesses, and they have received information about the bylaws or the procedures required to create a company.


Additionally, students have been taught how to make an economic and financial analysis and what the main financial solutions for entrepreneurship are, with special focus of the different types of financing according to the company’s life cycle.


Pioneering programme in Spain


The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, is one of the pioneering financial education programmes in Spain, whose job to promote and disseminate financial literacy has been recognized with several awards. It has been working since the end of 2007, through an internet portal for the general public, although its development began in 2005. Currently, 16 universities and more than ten business organizations and institutions collaborate with the programme.


All of the above has made Unicaja, one of the first institutions in Spain to launch an initiative of this kind, to be one of the most active agents in the fields of financial education and inclusion, in the exercise of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its commitment to society.


Its website ( has registered more than nine million visits, with access from nearly 180 countries. It also has two portals with specific contents: one for young people (Edufinext) and one for business owners and entrepreneurs (Edufiemp). The website includes as well other sections such as Edufiblog, EdufiAcademics, EdufiTech and a videogame. The project also has a YouTube channel and Facebook and Twitter accounts.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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