
Unicaja offers a health care insurance with a 30% discount, included in the rate, plus a free monthly payment

Customers have a promotion of two free monthly payments for taking out the Sonrisa Esencial dental insurance (1)

20 JUN 2024

4 Min reading

Unicaja, within the framework of the agreement it has with Caser insurance company, offers a 30% discount, included in the rate, and a free monthly payment for individual customers(2), as well as for the self-employed and single-family SMEs(3), for taking out health care insurance. Likewise, when taking out the Sonrisa Esencial dental insurance policy, the client will receive two free monthly payments for the latter. These promotions are valid until 14 September.


This offering includes health care available through a telemedicine system.


Additional, complementary discounts


In addition to these promotions, Unicaja customers can benefit from other discounts for belonging to the Caser loyalty program: 10% for Caser Platinum, 8% for Gold program customers and 6% for Silver program customers.


Other promotions are applied according to the number of insured people on the policy, with a minimum of two people, and available for individuals, self-employed or single-family SMEs, with the possibility of opting for a single rate for three or more insured people.


All these discounts are complementary to each other.


Digital health services


In addition to the wide range of medical specialties offered by this health insurance, Unicaja customers who take it out can make, through the Caser Medical Center, telemedicine consultations via chat, videoconference or call.


This service covers specialties such as general medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, cardiology, digestive system, endocrinology, gynecology, dentistry, psychiatry, pneumology and nephrology, for a total of 28 available specialties.


A symptom evaluator has also been added to the health application as a tele-triage tool to obtain diagnostic guidance with respect to the symptoms presented by the patient, and the functionalities of Selfie Health have been expanded, allowing a medical check-up of 15 health indicators by facial scanning, with the addition of two new mental health indicators. Also available is the My Emotional Wellbeing platform, which contains sessions for the care of the mind and emotions, guided by different psychology professionals.


In addition to these digital services, individual clients with Caser Salud Integral do not have to pay for the first 10 medical services per insured person per year (the rest at a reduced cost), and can benefit from the reimbursement of optical and pharmacy expenses(4). For their part, self-employed clients and single-family SMEs who take out Caser Salud Integral insurance have no co-payments, except for eight euros for psychology consultations.


Besides health insurance, Unicaja offers its customers a wide range of non-life and life insurance policies that make up a complete protection map with coverage and benefits to meet any need.



Insurance contracted with CASER, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., through Unimediación S.L.U., linked banking-insurance operator, registered in the Special Administrative Registry of Insurance Distributors of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds with OV registration number -0010, acting through the Unicaja Banco, S.A. network. Arranged civil liability insurance in accordance with current legislation. You can consult the insurance companies with which Unimediación S.L.U. has an agency contract signed at www.unicajabanco.es/seguros.


Insurance coverage according to the General, Particular and Special Conditions of the policy


(1) Promotion valid for new Essential Smile hires from 05/01/2024 to 09/14/2024, with maximum effective date 09/15/2024, who have not been health insured in Caser in the 6 months prior to the hiring. Gift of two monthly payments, November 2024 and November 2025, when choosing monthly payment, as long as the premium payment is up to date. Offer not linked to the contracting of a healthcare product.


(2) Promotion valid for new hires from Caser Salud Prestigio, Integral, Activa, Adapta + Esencial Smile, Medical and Start from 05/01/2024 to 09/14/2024, with a maximum effective date of 09/15/2024, which have not been health insured in Caser in the 6 months prior to hiring. Gift of a monthly payment, November 2024, when choosing monthly payment, as long as the premium payment is up to date.


(3) Promotion valid for new hires of Caser Salud Prestigio, Integral, Activa, and Médica from 05/01/2024 to 09/14/2024, with a maximum effective date of 09/15/2024, who have not been health insured at Caser in the 6 months prior to hiring. Gift of a monthly payment, November 2024, when choosing monthly payment, as long as the premium payment is up to date. The self-employed worker must be a policyholder and insured, and may include his family, spouse and children.


(4) 50% of the amount of pharmacy and childhood vaccination bills will be reimbursed with a maximum of €100 per insured person per year. In addition, 50% of optical bills will be reimbursed, with a maximum of €100 per insured per year.

  • Productos y servicios

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