
Agreement with the University of Granada to facilitate payment of student tuition fees

This is the sixth year that the bank has made this loan available to university students in Granada, which will benefit more than 52,500 people

25 JUN 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja and the University of Granada (UGR) have signed a collaboration agreement for another year, under which the financial institution will offer these students, during the 2024-2025 academic year, a line of financing* to help them pay their university tuition.


This is the sixth year that Unicaja has made available to the more than 52,500 students of the UGR the Préstamo Matrícula*, intended, among other things, for the payment of tuition fees.


The agreement, which reinforces the close relationship that both entities have maintained for years, was signed by the Unicaja’s head of Commercial Banking for Eastern Andalusia, Juan Cayuela, and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Granada, Pedro Mercado.


This agreement is part of Unicaja's support for young people and, above all, its interest in promoting and facilitating access to university education as a tool for their future integration into the labor market.


University students will be able to benefit from this product coinciding with the enrollment process.


Support to young people


Unicaja has a complete range of financing* specifically designed to promote education, which covers the payment of university tuition, vocational training and special education at official public and private schools, as well as postgraduate master's degrees.


Apart from other actions in support of this sector of the population, the bank, as evidence of its social commitment, has joined the programs for the granting of guarantees aimed at facilitating the purchase of their first home by young people.


University of Granada


The UGR, established in 1531, has four university campuses, in addition to the 'Campus Centro', which includes all the spaces distributed throughout the historic center of the city. It also has two others in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla.


More than 52,500 undergraduate and graduate students study at the University of Granada, which has more than 3,700 teachers and professors.



*Granting subject to the bank’s criteria

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