Unicaja 2

Unicaja renews its collaboration agreement with Iberaval to finance small businesses and the self-employed in Castilla y Leon

The two entities join the Financial Instrument of the Institute for Business Competitiveness, which provides for loans of up to 60 million euros through 2029 with European funds

30 MAY 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has renewed for another year the agreement with the mutual guarantee company Iberaval, with the aim of reaching 110 million in financing for SMEs. The purpose of this agreement is to provide financing for investments or working capital to small and medium-sized companies, self-employed and entrepreneurs with less than two years of activity, through loans or credits jointly guaranteed by Iberaval, aimed at launching viable projects.


Unicaja and Iberaval have a long-standing relationship which, to date, has involved their collaboration in transactions worth 695 million euros throughout Spain, in a total of 8,500 transactions.


Unicaja is the main non-institutional protecting partner of the mutual guarantee company Iberaval. Specifically, it represents 7% of the capital subscribed by its protecting partners and between them they accumulate active operations, amounting to 51.6 million euros.


This year's agreement includes a new financial instrument promoted by the Institute for Business Competitiveness, with funds from the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 and contributions from the Regional Government of Castilla y León.


The Institute for Business Competitiveness provides loans of up to 60 million euros until the end of 2029 to facilitate access to financing for investment projects in Castilla y León: acquisition of fixed assets, financing of working capital associated with investment projects in fixed assets, and mixed projects. The maximum loan is set at 2.5 million euros.  At least 20% of the guarantee coverage will be assumed by Iberaval and a maximum of 80% by the Institute for Business Competitiveness.


Both entities maintain a renewed alliance, a horizon of support for the almost 38,000 members of Iberaval and those business owners who use this financing formula, which means that current and future clients of Unicaja will be able to access guarantees to obtain loans, with advantageous conditions in terms of costs and terms, as well as a wide range of business products and services.

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