
Agreement between Unicaja and ASAJA Albacete to facilitate the processing and advance payment of the CAP

The bank has allocated around 800 million euros in pre-approved loans in the current campaign and maintains a firm commitment to the sector in the province of Albacete

09 APR 2024

3 Min reading

Unicaja and the Asociación Agraria Jóvenes Agricultores (ASAJA) of Albacete have signed a collaboration agreement to make it easier for farmers and livestock breeders in the province to apply for subsidies under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).


The regional manager of Commercial Banking of Unicaja, Almudena Noheda, and the president of ASAJA Albacete, Jorge Navarro, have signed this agreement, under which both organizations collaborate again in a new campaign of the CAP, ensuring a quality service in the management and advance of aid, in addition to meeting the financial needs that farmers and livestock breeders may have.


In this way, applicants can process the application for subsidies through ASAJA Albacete, taking advantage of all the resources and technical staff available to the organization to easily resolve the procedures and management of the aids. In addition, associates who arrange for the direct payment of their application at Unicaja will be able to receive the amount of the aid in advance, quickly and easily, as well as benefiting from various financial advantages.


Jorge Navarro stressed that "ASAJA Albacete has an extraordinary team of professionals with extensive experience in the processing of CAP aid, maintaining a thorough monitoring throughout the year of the files so that they comply with current regulations, and receive payment on the due date".


Almudena Noheda highlighted "Unicaja's commitment to the agricultural and livestock sector in Albacete and Castilla-La Mancha, working constantly and creating and adapting its products and services to the needs of these professionals ".



Commitment to the sector


The bank has allocated around 800 million euros for pre-approved loans for the amounts covered by the aids. This offer is also extended with loans for the modernization and improvement of farms.


In addition, Unicaja recently signed an agreement with the Government of Castilla-La Mancha to make special financing conditions available to farmers and ranchers in the region, with the aim of injecting liquidity into the agricultural sector.


Its experience in the sector and its knowledge of the region, as well as its collaboration with organizations such as ASAJA Albacete, allow Unicaja to know first-hand the needs of farmers and livestock breeders in order to offer them the best solutions and the most appropriate financial tools to get the most out of their work.


ASAJA Albacete is the most representative agricultural association of the agricultural sector in the province of Albacete, with several local offices throughout the province (Albacete, Almansa, Casas Ibáñez, La Gineta, Villamalea and Villarrobledo), in addition to being represented in each and every one of the municipalities of the province.

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