
Unicaja collaborates once again in the advance payment of CAP aid and offers around 800 million in loans

The bank offers advice, management and personalized processing of the files

20 FEB 2024

3 Min reading

Unicaja has launched, for yet another year, the campaign for the processing of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2024 aid, under which it offers its customers the possibility of advancing the amount with loans on favorable terms, as well as advice, management and personalized processing of their application files. Specifically, the institution has set up a line of pre-approved loans of around 800 million euros.


This line of pre-approved loans, whose advance payment is offered to farmers and livestock breeders in Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura, in collaboration with the different regional governments, is in addition to Unicaja's usual financing offer.


The advantage of this line of approximately 800 million for pre-approved loans to customers who have deposited their application file through the bank is above all the possibility of being able to quickly and swiftly obtain the amounts with which to cover the needs covered by the amount of the aid requested.


In addition, this offer promoted by Unicaja is extended with pre-approved five-year investment loans for the modernization and improvement of farms.





As for deadlines, applicants have until 30 April to submit their applications, and until 31 October to subscribe the advance payment.

Unicaja's experience in the agricultural sector in general, and in Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura in particular, is evidenced by the continuous adaptation of its services to the needs of farmers.


In fact, Unicaja's commitment of continuous support to the farming sector translates into the provision of financial, protection and advisory services, the development of specific agreements and participation in companies in the industry.



Experience and confidence


The campaign launched at the beginning of the application period for CAP subsidies (olive groves, sheep, goats and cattle, arable crops, protein crops, industrial crops, nuts, etc.) is supported by Unicaja's technical, human and financial resources, offering experience and confidence, both of which are particularly valued by customers.


Farmers can contact Unicaja branches in Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura, where they will receive specialized advice and help from the bank’s managers to complete their applications.




*Concesión sujeta a criterios de la entidad.


**Plazo de contratación: hasta 31 de octubre de 2024. Hasta el 90% del importe de las ayudas agrarias. El préstamo se amortizará a la recepción de la ayuda o, en su defecto, hasta el 30 de junio de 2025. La concesión de operaciones se encuentra sujeta al estudio y criterio de la entidad.

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