
Unicaja Banco renews its agreement with CEM and sets a funding facility to support Malaga companies

The financial institution offers its support to the more than 40,000 businesses members, and it puts at their disposal specific financial products and services

14 SEP 2023

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has renewed its collaboration agreement with the Malaga Confederation of Business Owners (CEM), and it has set up again a funding facility with the goal of supporting Malaga business sector and contributing to strengthen the liquidity of companies to face their day-to-day activities.


 The new agreement, which reinforces the long-standing relationship between both institutions, has been signed by the Chairman of Unicaja Banco, Manuel Azuaga, and by the Chairman of CEM, Javier González de Lara.


Under the agreement, the bank puts at the disposal of the more than 40,000 freelancers and SMEs and 100 associations that are members of CEM a full range of specific financial products and services, under advantageous conditions, aimed to facilitate their activities and to make investments.


Furthermore, in response to the needs of freelancers and companies, the bank offers its collaboration in the advice, channeling and financing, within the framework of the Next Generation recovery funds programme, fostered by the European Union, with the design and implementation of solutions for businesses and especially for SMEs. In this line, the bank offers advice to companies and freelancers to take advantage of the Digital Kit program subsidies, as well as financing facilities through the ICO Kit Digital line, so that they can implement the best technological solutions free of charge.


The renewal of this agreement between Unicaja Banco and CEM falls within the bank’s general interest in contributing to the development of actions to favour the business fabric, facilitate the economic boos and support employment in Malaga and its province.


The goal is to provide financing on advantageous terms to businesses established in Malaga, so as to promote investments, encourage foreign trade and support the expansion and development of strategic projects of Malaga province business sector.


Businesses in general and SMEs in particular continue to be one of the key groups in Unicaja Banco’s funding policy, especially in Andalusia and, in particular, in Malaga. One of the bank’s priority commercial axes is providing financing to businesses, which are a key driver to make the economy more dynamic and to stimulate job creation.



Products and services with financial advantages


The specific offering of products and services under advantageous conditions includes pension plans, with the development of future employment plans, especially conceived to meet the obligations of companies.


Additionally, Unicaja Banco puts at the disposal of the business sector the advantages of digital banking, with the continuous development of new apps to give the best service to shops and businesses.


Likewise, companies can benefit from financing to cover both working capital and investments, within the framework of the economic reactivation and post-pandemic investing process.


The bank also offers support in the advice, channeling and financing under the Next Generation recovery funds programmes, fostered by the European Union, to design and implement solutions for businesses and, especially, for SMEs.


The Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga integrates SMEs and freelancers of the province, exceeding 40,000 registrations in the Social Security scheme. Among its goals, the CEM intends to enhance the relations between financial institutions and the business fabric of Malaga, to facilitate the normal development of its activities.


Unicaja Banco maintains a close collaboration with CEM since its foundational origin, having entered into agreements in the previous years to facilitate access to funding to Malaga companies on preferential terms.

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios

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