
Unicaja Banco offers health insurance with a 30% discount and up to two months free of charge

It also includes telemedicine service and medical check-ups through facial recognition

12 JUL 2023

4 Min reading

Unicaja Banco, as part of its agreement with the insurance company Caser, offers its customers a health insurance policy1 with the possibility of getting a 30%2 discount and up to two months free of charge. It also includes complete health care and a telemedicine system.


This new campaign will be in force until 14 September and features the said 30% discount in the fee and up to two months free of charge in health assistance when taking out the Health Insurance policy together with the Dental policy.


Furthermore, Unicaja Banco customers who take out the insurance policy will be able to make telemedicine consultations through the Caser Medical Center4 by chat, videoconference or call.


This telehealth service covers specialties such as general medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, cardiology, digestive system, endocrinology, gynecology, dentistry and psychiatry, among others. In addition to these medical care services, other wellness and mental health services are also provided.


Health indicators


Similarly, by taking out this policy, policyholders can also benefit from a medical check-up carried out by means of facial scanning that can track more than 10 health indicators in less than 30 seconds. To do so, they only need to take a selfie with their cell phone.


The values measured in this scan are heart rate, irregular heartbeat, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate variability, myocardial stress, respiratory rate, body mass index, waist-to-height ratio, stress index, facial skin age, cardiovascular disease risk, and general well-being score.


This health insurance includes a full program of emotional wellbeing5, taught online and which includes practices and recommendations for learning to manage the mind and emotions in the face of daily stresses.


In addition, customers who take out this policy can have up to 100 euros reimbursement in opticians and children’s vaccines6, and the first 10 medical services per insured and year7 have no co-payment.





1 Health Insurance taken out with Caser through Unimediación, S.L.U., linked bancassurance operator, registered in the Special Administrative Register of Insurance Brokers, Reinsurance Brokers and their senior officers, kept by the Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds (Registration No. OV-0010), acting through the Distribution Network of Unicaja Banco, S.A. Civil liability insurance in accordance with the legislation in force. The insurance companies with which Unimediación, S.L.U. has signed a contract is available on www.unicajabanco.es/seguros.


2 Those taking out the integral health insurance between 15/03/2023 and 14/09/2023 (effective date 15/09/2023), who have not been insured with Caser Health in the six months prior to this subscription, have a discount of 30% included in the fee. In addition, the monthly payment for the month of November 2023 will be free, as well as a second additional monthly payment free of charge (January 2024), in the event that dental insurance is taking out simultaneously with the integral health insurance for each health insurance policyholder. Monthly payment and no payments due are required.


3 From 15/03/2023 and until 14/09/2023 new subscriptions of individual Salud Integral policies, with monthly payment and which are in force and with no payments due, will have the months of November 2023 and January 2024 free of charge if together with the health care policy a dental policy is subscribed for each health insurance policyholder. Monthy payment and no payments due are required.


4Service offered for free, for insured persons of legal age, until 31/12/2023 at the Caser Medical Center of Telemedicine from the Caser Salud app.


5 Access to the program, based on the practice of Mindfulness and the development of Emotional Intelligence, through the Caser Medical Center of Telemedicine from the Caser Salud app free of charge until 31/12/2023. For individual clients, over 18 years of age, insured in Health Care policies.


6 50% of the amount of pharmacy bills and children’s vaccines will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 100 euros per insured person per year. In addition, 50% of optician bills will be reimbursed, up to a maximum of 100 euros per insured person per year.


7 The first 10 medical services, per insured person and per year, billed by the Medical Centres to the Company will be free of charge. From the 11th service on, a co-payment is set for each service. 

  • Productos y servicios

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