
Unicaja Banco participates with its own stand in a new edition of Agroexpo

This is the most important fair for the agricultural sector in Extremadura

02 MAR 2022

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco participates with its own stand in a new edition of the Agroexpo International Fair, to be held in FEVAL, in Don Benito (Badajoz), from 2 to 5 March. This is the most important fair for the agricultural sector in Extremadura, and one of the main fairs at a national level. At its stand, the bank will receive attendees from institutions, cooperatives, associations and professionals, who will get information about the latest developments in specific products and services aimed at making the finances of those working in this field more profitable.


With its presence at the 34th edition of Agroexpo, Unicaja Banco reaffirms its commitment and closeness to the agri-food sector in Extremadura, in an ideal setting to learn first-hand the needs and new projects of its professionals. In this sense, during the fair, it will present its broad range of specialized products tailored to a sector that, especially in recent years, is undergoing an adaptation to new and more sustainable models, as well as changes in the market and in the regulation of subsidies.


Unicaja Banco's experience in this field, the specific training of its managers and its range of products and services make it possible to facilitate this transition with solutions adapted to each need, taking advantage of new business opportunities. Therefore, farmers will find the necessary funding to start up any project, invest in improvements and acquisition of new agricultural machinery, invest in new crops, access more efficient machinery or expand their market.


Bearing in mind that each business, each type of crop and each farm has its own growth pace, Unicaja Banco offers specific loans adapted to each need, such as, for example, those aimed at woody crops, which allow the expansion, renewal or diversification of this type of crops, which begin to be productive in the medium term.



High quality specialized service


Personalized management in the processing of the application for aids under the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2022 is the central focus of the efforts of Unicaja Banco's agricultural managers in the campaign, as well as its monitoring and control, saving time for farmers. Likewise, Unicaja Banco customers will be able to benefit from the CAP advance payment and a series of financial advantages and products under preferential conditions.


In addition, Unicaja Banco has different types of insurance to protect each agricultural holding, adapting to its specific needs, given the importance of having a good farming insurance, in order to be able to face the consequences of possible adversities and protect the value of the work of farmers and livestock breeders.


In short, Unicaja Banco puts at the disposal of farmers and livestock breeders all its material and human resources to provide them with a specialized and high quality service. As a financial institution of reference and committed to the sector in Extremadura, its goal is to promote the development of the sector and that of the people who invest in it.


  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios

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