
Unicaja Banco renews its agreement with the Official Association of Physicians of Malaga to favour their activities

The agreement includes an exclusive loan, on advantageous terms, for the first year of registration

11 NOV 2021

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco shows one more year its support to the Official Association of Physicians of Málaga (Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Málaga, Commálaga), with the renewal of their collaboration agreement, under which the bank puts at the disposal of the more than 9,300 members of the association financing, products and services with preferential conditions, to support their activities. This year, the agreement includes an exclusive loan, on advantageous terms, for the first year of registration.


The agreement between Unicaja Banco and Colegio de Médicos de Málaga strengthens the close relationship between both institutions and adds to the collaboration agreements that the bank has entered into with the main professional and business associations from Malaga and its province, with the aim of supporting families, businesses and the self-employed to contribute to reactivate the economy.


            Under this agreement, signed by the Unicaja Banco’s Area Manager for Central and Eastern Malaga, José Antonio Gemar Trillo, and by the Chair of Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Málaga, Pedro Navarro Merino, the bank offers to the medical association a full range of products and services under advantageous conditions.  



Supporting during the first year as registered doctors


Unicaja Banco offers to the members of this medical association, among other advantages, an exclusive loan for their first year of registration, to foster the start of their professional activity. It also facilitates to new doctors the payment of the registration and fees for their first year. 


Likewise, the bank puts at the disposal of the association members a broad and comprehensive financial service, to meet their needs and featuring financing for  investments to start or to improve medical practices or to acquire medical equipment, and for working capital requirements.


Furthermore, the members of the medical association will have access to the financing lines ICO 2021, to facilitate lending in preferential conditions to businesses and freelancers for investment projects, business development and to cover liquidity needs, as well as for national investments.


Other products and services included are the channeling of official credits and aids, Personal Banking Account, Business Account- Flat Rate and Fee Free Plan for Businesses and the Self-employed, digital banking, payroll service, direct debit of invoices and payment of taxes, financing for individuals (Consumer Loan, Loyalty Loan and Motor Vehicle Loan), mortgage loans (Personal Banking and Young Variable Rate Mortgages, as well as Loyalty Fixed Rate Mortgage), and a wide range of insurances and pension plans with competitive return.

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios

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