
Unicaja Banco increases its digital banking activity during the state of alarm, with daily connections up by 14% and with mobile phones as the most used channel

Daily average connections grew by 14% compared with the months before the coronavirus crisis, with a special mention to be made to the mobile app, which represented up to 78% of the total accesses made via those channels (app and web)

07 JUL 2020

3 Min reading

The growth trend in the use of Unicaja Banco digital banking was enhanced during the state of alarm, both to check statements and to carry out transactions. Daily average connections grew by 14% compared with the months before the coronavirus crisis. The mobile app was the channel that customers used the most, representing up to 78% of the total accesses made via digital banking.


The increase in the average monthly access per customer was of 20%, with 23 accesses per user and month. May and June post significant figures in the number of registered connections.


The growth in digital channel accesses was registered mainly in the mobile app, with a daily average increase, from March to June, of 18%, compared with the months before the lockdown (January and February).


Increased use of mobile phones


Connections via the mobile app reached during the state of alarm up to 78% of the total connections to digital banking, as it was the case during the month of May, reflecting an increased use of this channel.


However, the website also saw a growth in connections during the state of alarm declared (from 14 March to 21 June) to avoid the spread of the COVID-19. This average increase was of 4% in daily accesses, compared with the months before the declaration of the state of alarm.


By age groups, the mobile app is the preferred option for intermediate age groups (25-65 years old), thus showing that the digital channel is a preferred option for all age ranges.


Increase in digital transations


The situation caused by the coronavirus crisis has accelerated the needs of users to use the available digital services. Proof of that is the increase in transactions carried out by Unicaja Banco via these channels, with a daily average increase of over 10% in April or nearly 8% in June.


In general, the daily average number of transactions made during the state of alarm grew by 7%. This increase was even higher in the app (12%). In fact, around two thirds of the total number of online transactions were carried out via the app.


Per months, and in the case of the mobile app, the increase was especially relevant (12.67%) in April. As per the website, the highest growth was registered in June (8.46%).


With regard to transactions, a remarkable growth was noticed in transactions related to account statements, payments (transfers, Bizum registrations, virtual card issuance, prepayment cards topping, etc.) and also in those related to securities, pension plans, investment funds and insurances.


More customers are using Bizum


The number of Unicaja Banco customers who registered at Bizum (the payment service which allows sending and receiving money via the bank’s app in a fast, easy and secure manner, through the mobile phone number) grew during the state of alarm at a monthly rate of 27% compared to the period before the lockdown. The increase in the number of users reached 37% if June and February are compared.


Additionally, the number of monthly transactions carried out by Unicaja Banco customers using Bizum increased an average of 18% in the period from March to June when compared with January and February.


Likewise, donations to NGOs made using this service rose steeply during the state of alarm, as the monthly average number of transactions posted a 30-fold increase.


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