
Unicaja Banco supports shops affected by the coronavirus crisis with the waiver of the maintenance fee of point-of-sale terminals (PoST

Unicaja Banco, within the framework of specific measures that it has been implementing since the start of the coronavirus crisis, supports shops with the temporary waiver of the maintenance fee of point-of-sale terminals (PoST), in traditional non-virtual shops

24 APR 2020

2 Min reading

The measure is scheduled to remain in force initially until June and, as it was implemented in March, for three months all the traditional shops shall not pay the maintenance fee of PoST. This way, the bank shows its support to this sector which has been affected by the coronavirus crisis. The waiver will be applied without the need of submitting any application.


With regard to new subscriptions, GPRS PoST are being delivered. These can be taken anywhere inside and outside the shop. Additionally, Unicaja Banco is giving priority to the installation of these terminals in essential service shops, such as gas stations, pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores, take-away, dry cleaners and tobacco shops.


If the shop has e-commerce, the bank offers the possibility of subscribing virtual PoST as a mean of payment, facilitating payment by e-mail to some shops. This allows shop owners a faster adaptation to e-commerce.


This measure reflects the support that the financial institution gives to shops, as well as to the rest of the business sector and freelancers, key for the economy boost and job creation.


Unicaja Banco has been implementing a set of measures, since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, to support its customers and to ensure the safety of clients and employees.



Support to businesses and freelancers


With regard to the support to freelancers and businesses, the bank facilitates measures to allow flexibility in financing conditions (extended terms, interest-only periods or flexible repayment conditions in general), which are adapted to each particular case. Likewise, it offers funding under the ICO facility of public guarantees approved by the Government.


Furthermore, in Andalusia, Unicaja Banco also offers funding under the public guarantee facility Liquidez Garántia Covid-19, approved by the Junta de Andalucía and aimed to SMEs and freelancers to contribute to the reduction of the economic impact of the health crisis.

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios

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