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Unicaja Banco joins the campaign to support local shops in Valladolid in response to the Covid-19

The bank collaborates with the City Hall and with the city’s shop associations in a promotion campaign to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic 15 JUN. 2020
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The Edufinet Project strengthens online training on financial education and organizes a roundtable on the scenario arising from the coronavirus crisis

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, strengthens its commitment to online training with a view to bring financial education closer to all social groups. For that purpose, it is organizing virtual roundtables and webinars 12 JUN. 2020
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Unicaja Banco, through Unigest, launches its first socially responsible investment fund

Unigest, Unicaja Banco’s management company, has launched its first socially responsible investment fund, called Unifond Sostenible Mixto Renta Variable, FI 03 JUN. 2020
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Unicaja Banco and Salamanca City Hall sign an agreement to provide funding to SMEs and freelancers affected by the coronavirus crisis

The bank and the Salamanca city hall, through the Sociedad Municipal de Turismo, Comercio y Promoción Económica, seek to cover the liquidity needs of freelancers and SMEs, reducing the costs linked to the formalization of credit transactions 01 JUN. 2020
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Unicaja Banco supports companies and freelancers in Castilla y Leon and strengthens guarantee funding facilities to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus crisis

The bank has joined the measures fostered by the Junta de Castilla y Leon through Iberaval and the Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial 28 MAY. 2020
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Unicaja Banco customers will have the possibility of receiving their tax refund in advance

Unicaja Banco supports, as every year, the tax campaign and offers its customers loans to fund their tax bills and advances of their tax refunds, especially in the scenario caused by the covid-19 27 MAY. 2020
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Unicaja Edufinet Project awards the best financial education projects in its 11th Financial Olympics

Ten students from nine Secondary Education and Baccalaureate high schools from Granada, Huelva, Sevilla, Valladolid and Ciudad Real have participated today in the final of the 11th Financial Olympics of the Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja. Due to the situation caused by the coronavirus crisis, the event has been held online 25 MAY. 2020
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Ten teenagers will compete on Monday in the online final of the 11th Financial Olympics of the Edufinet Project

Ten students from nine Secondary Education and Baccalaureate high school will participate on Monday 25 May in the final of the 11th Financial Olympics of the Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja. A total of 1,200 students registered in this competition, whose final, due to the situation caused by the coronavirus outbreak, will be held online 22 MAY. 2020
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Unicaja Banco publishes the report ‘Situación económica y perspectivas de las provincias de Castilla y León’ (Second Quarter 2020)

This report, which includes data broken down by province, supplements the one published last week, ‘Previsiones Económicas de Castilla y León’, with an aggregate approach of the Autonomous Community. 21 MAY. 2020
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