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Unicaja Banco and Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Extremadura collaborate to improve the financial conditions for more than 30,000 farmers

Unicaja Banco and Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Extremadura have renewed the collaboration agreement that will allow the development of actions to promote the development of the regional agri-food sector and from which more than 30,000 farmers will benefit 28 JUN. 2022
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The façade of the Unicaja Banco building in Oviedo, stage of a spectacular vertical dance

The façade of the Unicaja Banco building in Plaza de la Escandalera in Oviedo was once again the stage for a vertical dance. This year, women were the central figure. This is one of the main and most popular activities of Cafca (Culture, Art, Family, Open City), the performing arts festival for all audiences organized by the Oviedo City Council 26 JUN. 2022
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Unicaja Banco and Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Castilla-La Mancha join efforts to boost the development of the agri-food sector

Unicaja Banco and Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Castilla-La Mancha have renewed the collaboration agreement that will allow the development of actions to promote the development of the regional agri-food sector and from which more than 400 cooperatives will benefit 23 JUN. 2022
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More than 750 primary school students from Andalusia and Castilla y León participate in 1st ‘Edufinet Kids’ Workshop

The first edition of the ‘Edufinet Kids’ workshops, organized by Unicaja’s Edufinet Project, has been attended by more than 750 primary school students 21 JUN. 2022
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Unicaja Banco launches a new financing campaign for intensive crops with more than €650 million and reaffirms one more year its support to the agricultural sector

The pre-approved loans stand out for the agility in their granting, and allow the bank to meet the financing needs of farmers, for them to have quick and easy access to the pre-approved amount for the expenses required 15 JUN. 2022
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Unicaja Banco and Funcas renew their collaboration to promote financial education

Unicaja Banco and Funcas (Foundation of Savings Banks) have renewed, for the fourth year, their existing collaboration to improve the financial education of citizens, especially of groups like senior citizens, especially in the current context of digitalization 13 JUN. 2022
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Unicaja Banco publishes the first issue of the report ‘Previsiones Económicas de Extremadura’ (no. 1/2022)

Analistas Económicos de Andalucía point to a growth of 3.4% in the Extramdura GDP in 2022. Employment is estimated to grow by 1.3% 10 JUN. 2022
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Unicaja Banco publishes the first issue of the report ‘Previsiones Económicas de Castilla-La Mancha’ (no. 1/2022)

The forecasts of Analistas Económicos de Andalucía point to a growth of 4.0% in the Castilla-La Mancha GDP in 2022 and the employment is estimated to grow by 2.0% 10 JUN. 2022
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Unicaja Banco publishes the first issue of the report ‘Previsiones Económicas de Cantabria’ (no. 1/2022)

The forecasts of Analistas Económicos de Andalucía for 2022 point to a 3.6% growth in the Gross Domestic Product of Cantabria, according to the report ‘Previsiones Económicas de Cantabria' 09 JUN. 2022
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