
Alliance between Unicaja and Asturgar to facilitate access to credit for entrepreneurs, the self-employed, micro-enterprises and SMEs in Asturias

The bank offers a full range of financing, under special conditions, with the aim of facilitating business initiatives

08 JUL 2024

3 Min reading

Unicaja and Sociedad de Garantía Recíproca de Asturias (Asturgar SGR) have signed a new agreement with the aim of providing liquidity and financing to entrepreneurs, self-employed, micro-enterprises and SMEs in Asturias, with the guarantee of Asturgar.


Unicaja’s head of Business Banking – North, José Marcos Fernández, and the president of Asturgar SGR, David González, have signed this agreement at the financial institution's headquarters in Oviedo. Thanks to this agreement, Asturgar's member companies will have access to a complete financing offer at Unicaja.


These lines of financing are intended for credit transactions with extraordinary terms and interest rates, with the guarantee of the Asturian mutual guarantee society. In this way, they will be able to access loans for investments, financing of working capital or equipment leasing, under special conditions.


According to José Marcos Fernández, "this is a great opportunity for Asturian business owners, freelancers and entrepreneurs to have access to the best market conditions and with the guarantee provided by Asturgar's guarantee". Thus, "Unicaja will make loans available to these professionals to enable them to undertake new projects and investments and to provide them with liquidity, with the aim of promoting business initiatives and contributing to the creation and maintenance of employment in Asturias".


For his part, the president of Asturgar SGR, David González, said that "we are more than just a financial institution. Our purpose is to facilitate credit to SMEs and the self-employed from a position of proximity". For González, the collaboration with Unicaja "is a good example of this work", which is developed "helping companies on their way to financing that generates an impact on the economy, creating jobs and wealth". To think about Asturgar SGR "is to think", added its president, "it is to think about starting a project, consolidating it, growing by investing, innovating or looking for other markets".



Support to business development and job creation


Unicaja's commitment to SMEs and the self-employed is part of its activity as a proximity financial institution, focused on the business of companies and retail banking, which plays an important role in promoting territorial development.


This collaboration is in addition to other agreements signed in recent months with Reciprocal Guarantee Companies to help improve the viability of operations by guaranteeing 100% of the risk. The entity's objective is to support its clients and promote the Asturian business sector.


Companies, in general, and SMEs and the self-employed, in particular, are key objectives of Unicaja's financing policy. In this sense, the bank supports these groups, which are decisive for the boost of the economy and the creation of employment, especially in the areas where it operates and in its regions of origin, among which Asturias stands out.



Agile and simple management


At the end of 2023, Asturgar SGR had 43 million euros of financing, distributed among 500 Asturian companies, which allows it to support more than 10,000 jobs in the region and to support the structuring of the territory and the less populated Asturias. In addition, Asturgar allows business owners to carry out their transactions in an agile, fast and simple way, thanks to the tool www.asturgar-online.com.


Asturgar, which belongs to the Sekuens Group, has the strength of 1,600 integrated Asturian companies and the support of the Comunidad Autónoma del Principado de Asturias and the main business associations in the region (Fade, Femetal, CAC-Asprocon, Chambers of Commerce of Oviedo, Gijón and Avilés, ASATA) among others.

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