
Unicaja joins Fundación Adecco for another year in its challenge to promote the employment of women at risk of exclusion in Spain

The entity is once again collaborating in Women's Week 2024, an initiative promoted by Fundación Adecco to celebrate International Women's Day, to reinforce support for women with greater difficulties in accessing employment

08 MAR 2024

4 Min reading

Unicaja joins Fundación Adecco for another year in its challenge to promote the labor inclusion of women at risk of exclusion in Spain, through the joint development of activities that contribute to promote their employability and equal opportunities for their incorporation into the labor market. To this end, the bank has renewed its collaboration agreement with this foundation, which has been signed by the Head of Communication and Image of Unicaja, Fernando Ríos, and the regional manager of Fundación Adecco in Eastern Andalusia, Miguel Ángel de Pedro.


For 25 years, Fundación Adecco has been addressing the needs of women in vulnerable situations and promoting their social and labor inclusion through the #EmpleoParaTodas program, as well as that of other demographics with difficulties in accessing a job.


Within the framework of this agreement, Unicaja is once again collaborating in Women's Week 2024, an initiative promoted every year by Fundación Adecco on the occasion of International Women's Day, today, Friday, 8 March. The objective of this Week is to reinforce the guidance of these women on their way to employment, as well as to involve and raise awareness in the business world to generate more inclusive work environments.


Unicaja's support is part of its Sustainability policy and responds to its commitment to diversity and equality, as well as to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with special attention to gender equality (SDG 5), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) and the reduction of inequalities (SDG 10).


Labor inclusion of vulnerable women

Within this initiative, Unicaja is once again among the one hundred entities that, as generators of employment, are committed to working with Fundación Adecco to identify job opportunities for these women, specifically addressing their needs, in order to balance their situation in the labor market and eliminate the barriers that have traditionally hindered their inclusion.


The bank thus shows once again its support to Fundación Adecco which, on the occasion of Women's Week 2024, is intensifying the labor guidance and intermediation activity developed by its network of delegations and professionals, who accompany and guide these women, helping them to enhance their professional skills, through workshops led by experts, mentoring actions or events on motivation for employment.


Unicaja also collaborates in the dissemination of the campaign promoted this year by Fundación Adecco within this week, under the title 'Volver a soñar'. It is an audiovisual piece that invites to consider the greater risk of exclusion to which women are exposed from birth and aims to convey to the public the importance of employment as a fundamental axis to move forward and rebuild their lives.


In addition, as a collaborating entity, it also participated in the publication of the eleventh report '#EmpleoParaTodas: women at risk of exclusion in the labor market'. An analysis of the labor reality of women with more difficulties, which every year Fundación Adecco prepares to give visibility to the situations of inequality they usually face and to propose solutions to accelerate their inclusion in the labor market. In particular, women over 50 years of age at risk of social exclusion and / or going through situations of disability, single motherhood or gender violence.


#EmpleoParaTodas las personas

Through the #EmpleoParaTodas las personas program, Fundación Adecco makes resources and tools available to these women and other vulnerable groups every year, in addition to different training activities with the aim of making it easier for them to find work. It also carries out various awareness-raising initiatives to highlight the difficulties and stigmas they still have to overcome to access the labor market.


Fundación Adecco, established in 1999, is the result of the Corporate Social Responsibility assumed by Grupo Adecco. Its main objective is the inclusion in the labor market of those people who, due to their personal characteristics, have more difficulties in finding a job: people with disabilities, the long-term unemployed over 55 years old, women with unshared family responsibilities or victims of gender violence, as well as other groups at risk of social exclusion.


Commitment to equality and diversity

As part of its Sustainability policy, Unicaja has an Equality Plan, which reinforces equal opportunities between men and women as one of the bank’s traditional values. In addition, it contemplates the application of specific measures that promote the balanced assumption of responsibilities and favor the work and family life balance of its employees.


The company also has a Protocol for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Harassment based on Sex in the Workplace, and provides its staff with procedures for attending to victims of gender-based violence -originating outside the professional activity- and for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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