
The Edufinet Project teaches key aspects of cybersecurity to high school students during Global Money Week

This activity adds to a dozen financial education workshops for young people, which Edufinet is developing this week, reaching, in total, so far, about 800 recipients, in-person and online

19 MAR 2024

4 Min reading

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja and the Fundación Unicaja, has given this Tuesday, as part of the Global Money Week, to students of Secondary and Baccalaureate of IES Mediterráneo in Málaga a conference on cybersecurity applied to the world of finance, which has been developed in its Financial Education Center in the city of Malaga and has also been broadcast by streaming to other schools. This activity adds to the dozen workshops for young people that Edufinet is carrying out during this week and which, in total, so far, have reached some 800 recipients, both in person and online.


The aim of today's conference is to provide basic notions and tools to ensure that financial transactions and management are carried out in a secure digital environment, as well as to inform about the main cyber risks. To this end, an expert in cybersecurity and a representative of the Edufinet Project were present.


This activity is part of a series of educational activities that Edufinet has developed this year as part of Global Money Week, a worldwide initiative promoted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which is celebrating its twelfth edition this week under the slogan 'Protect your money, secure your future'.


This training session adds to a dozen other financial education sessions for young people that Edufinet is developing this week, where, in addition to cybersecurity concepts, key aspects of the financial world are addressed. Likewise, on the occasion of Global Money Week, the Edufinet team is also disseminating online, on its social media, multimedia training content on cybersecurity (short videos and webinars).


This specific day on cybersecurity, which was attended in person by almost fifty students from IES Mediterráneo (Málaga), was also broadcast via streaming, through Edufinet's social media profiles and its website ( In this way, several schools that regularly collaborate with the financial education project, as well as the general public, were also able to join in.


During this session, which lasted approximately an hour and a half, these students were provided with a series of concepts and useful information related to security in digital transactions of various kinds, applied to the world of finance, as well as protection measures against cyber-attacks. In this sense, they have been provided with examples and practical advice, which will allow them to detect these possible cyber threats and prevent them when carrying out certain financial transactions in their daily lives.

At the end of the activity, attendees were able to ask questions and resolve all their doubts in a final round of questions, which were answered by the cybersecurity specialist and members of the Edufinet Project team.



Edufinet and Global Money Week

Edufinet is once again participating in Global Money Week, which this year has cybersecurity at the core of all its activities. This global campaign, organized annually by the OECD, aims to raise awareness of the importance of basic financial literacy and to ensure that young people, from an early age, acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to make sound financial decisions during their lives.


With nearly two decades of experience, the Edufinet Project is one of the pioneering financial education programs in Spain and currently has the collaboration of a dozen institutions and business organizations, as well as 17 universities.


This program has been operating since the end of 2007 through an Internet portal aimed at all kinds of audiences, although it began to be developed in 2005. Its website offers a wide variety of content, with practical and educational information on the financial world, which can be consulted through different sections (Edufinext, Edufiemp, Edufitech, Edufiblog, Edufisport, Edufiagro and Edufiacademics). It also has a channel on YouTube and accounts on Facebook, X and LinkedIN.


Since it was launched, almost 260,000 people have participated in the various seminars, workshops, courses and conferences it has organized. In fact, its web pages have accumulated more than 20 million visits to date, with access from almost 180 countries.


The Edufinet Project is one of the most active agents in the fields of financial education and inclusion in our country, whose work has been recognized during this time with several awards, including several distinctions in the CECA Social Work and Financial Education Awards.

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