
Unicaja celebrates the National Financial Education Week with a film series, a competition for students and different lectures

A film series on economy and finance, a competition on finance and lectures on economic-financial topics (sustainable finance, circular economy or financial digitalization) are some of the initiatives that the Edufinet Project –promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja- has prepared for the National Financial Education Week, which starts on Monday 7 October. The goal is to improve the financial literacy of citizens.

03 OCT 2019

4 Min reading

The activities scheduled by the Edufinet Project, an initiative which, during its nearly 15 years of trajectory has brought the world of finance closer to more than 152,000 people, are for all the audience, from adults to primary education pupils and Baccalaureate and university students.


This way, Edufinet joins one more year the celebration of the Financial Education Week, an initiative promoted by the Financial Education Plan (Plan de Educación Financiera, PEF), fostered by the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, CNMV).


A film series on economy and finance, a competition on finance and lectures on economic-financial topics are some of the initiatives scheduled to be organized from 7 to 11 October by the Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, within the framework of the National Financial Education Week, which starts on Monday 7 October. The goal is to improve the financial literacy of citizens and to raise awareness of its importance.


The activities organized by Edufinet, a pioneering initiative in Spain that in its nearly 15 years of history has brought the financial world closer to more than 152,000 people, are addressed to all audiences, from adults to Primary, Baccalaureate and university students.


With the organization of these activities, from next Monday 7 October (Financial Education Day), Edufinet joins again this initiative promoted, for the fifth consecutive year, by the Financial Education Plan (PEF), fostered by the Bank of Spain and the CNMV.


Programme promoted by Edufinet


On Monday 7 there will be a lecture for Primary Education students, in collaboration with the International Training Center for Authorities and Leaders (Cifal) Malaga, which depends on the United Nations agency Unitar. This activity will take place from 10:30 to 12:00, at the Casita del Jardinero, in Malaga Park, headquarter of Cifal, and will focus on financial education, circular economy and sustainable finance.


On Tuesday 8, from 17:00 to 20:00, at Unicaja Center for Financial Education in Malaga, a film series on economy and finance will start, addressed to university students and to a general audience. The film series will continue throughout the school year. On this occasion, the movie Wall Street (1987) will be screened, and it will be followed by a discussion.


On the same day, from 17:00, in Valladolid, at the headquarters of the Bank of Spain, there will be a lecture on ‘Digital transformation and financial education: basic topics’, given by a member of Edufinet.


The next day, 9 October, at 17:00, at the Edufinet Center, will feature the start of a seminar with students from Asociación ESN, who participate in the Erasmus program, where different topics of financial education will be covered.


The competition on finance is to be held on 10 October, at the Edufinet Center, from 10:30 to 12:00, with the participation of nearly one hundred Baccalaureate students from the three high schools that won the latest edition of the Financial Olympics: IES Severo Ochoa and IES Padre Manjón, from Granada, and Colegio SEK-Alborán, from El Ejido (Almería).


Finally, on Friday 11 there will be two activities at the Edufinet Center. In particular, from 10:30 to 12:00 it will be the turn of a financial education seminar on circular economy and sustainable finance, for students of the fourth year of Secondary Education from the Malaga school Colegio León XIII. Then, from 12:30 to 14:00, there will be a workshop on financial digitalization, with the focus on topics such as bitcoin and blockchain.


A pioneering initiative


The Edufinet Project has been working, through an Internet portal for the general public, since 2007, although its development began in 2005. In addition to the business institutions and organizations, 15 universities collaborate with this programme. All of the previous have made Unicaja, one of the first institutions to launch an initiative of this kind, to be one of the most active agents in this area. This work has been recognized with several awards.

Since it was created, over 152,000 people have participated in the different seminars, workshops, courses or lectures organized by Edufinet, of which 108,000 are young people who have participated in the Lectures on Financial Education for Young People. This series of lectures will soon start its eleventh edition.


The website, which offers systemic and practical information in a question-answer format and where no previous knowledge is required, has registered so far more than 7.8 million visits, with consultations and access from nearly 180 countries.


The Edufinet Project has other two specific portals: one addressed to young people (Edufinext) and one addressed to business owners and entrepreneurs (Edufiemp).

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