
Unicaja Banco joins the 800th anniversary of Burgos Cathedral and will sponsor social and cultural activities

The financial institution signs a collaboration agreement to participate in the activities scheduled to commemorate the anniversary of the cathedral.

23 JUL 2019

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco continues to show its commitment to the cultural and social initiatives developed by institutions and organizations throughout Castilla y Leon


Unicaja Banco has entered into an agreement with Fundación VIII Centenario de la Catedral de Burgos to collaborate in the cultural and social activities to be organized for the 800th anniversary of the cathedral, which will take place in 2021, and to reaffirm its commitment to Burgos and its Cathedral.


The event has been held at the Chapel of the Corpus Christi, and it was attended by Fenando Ríos Cañadas, Head of Institutional Relations and Relations with Stakeholders at Unicaja Banco; Fidel Herráez Vegas, President of Fundación VIII Centenario de la Catedral-Burgos 2021; Antonio Miguel Méndez Pozo, Deputy President of the said Foundation; Juan Álvarez Quevedo, Deputy President of the Cabildo Metropolitano; and Daniel de la Rosa Villahoz, Mayor of Burgos.


Unicaja Banco has expressed its satisfaction with collaborating with the Foundation in the events to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the construction of Burgos Cathedral, and has remarked its commitment to the social and cultural initiatives carried out in Burgos and throughout Castilla y Leon by the different institutions and organizations.


The Fundación VIII Centenario de la Catedral-Burgos 2021, under the Honorary Presidency of their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain, was created to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the first stone laid in the construction of the Burgos Cathedral, which will take place on 20 July 2021. This project, declared an event of Exceptional Public Interest, intends to unite the city of Burgos around the celebration of the anniversary, through different cultural and social projects to be developed during the coming years, and to inform of them through the website


In addition to the cathedral, the Foundation focuses on a series of relevant projects for the cultural dimension of Burgos and its province; on the one hand, the archeological site of Atapuerca, the Way of Saint James and Las Loras Geopark, recognized by the UNESCO; and on the other hand, the Spanish language, the Way of the Cid and the Consulate of the Sea.

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